Understanding Bile Duct Cancer and Its Treatment

The bile duct, a vital component of the human digestive system, plays a crucial role in fat digestion and absorption by transporting bile from the liver to the small intestine. However, amidst its significance, bile duct cancer, known as cholangiocarcinoma, poses a serious threat. Cholangiocarcinoma, accounting for a significant portion of primary liver tumors globally, arises from mutated bile duct cells, forming tumors that can be benign or malignant. This cancer manifests in various forms based on its location within or outside the liver, often remaining asymptomatic until it progresses. Symptoms, such as jaundice and abdominal pain, emerge as the cancer obstructs bile ducts. Despite advancements, diagnosing and treating cholangiocarcinoma, especially in older individuals, remains challenging. Further exploration and understanding of this complex ailment are crucial. The subsequent discussion will delve deeper into the intricacies of bile duct cancer, aiming to educate, raise awareness, and contribute to ongoing efforts in its management and treatment.


The bile duct is a critical organ that is sometimes neglected within the complicated puzzle of the human digestive system. The bile duct, which transports bile from the liver to the small intestine, is essential in fat digestion and absorption. These ducts connect the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine via branching tubes. They transport bile, a fluid that aids in the digestion of dietary fats by the body. After we eat a meal, bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder before being released into the small intestine. However, a grave menace may develop among these biological processes: bile duct cancer. 

Bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma) is an uncommon type of primary liver cancer that accounts for 10% to 15% of all primary liver tumors worldwide. It starts in the cells that line the bile ducts. 

Bile duct cancer occurs when healthy cells in the bile duct mutate and grow uncontrollably, resulting in the formation of a tumor. A tumor can be either benign or malignant wherein a benign tumor will grow but will not spread while a malignant tumor has the potential to grow and spread to other parts of the body. 

Cholangiocarcinoma is classified based on its location with respect to the liver: 

  • Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma develops in the liver's bile ducts. This is the disease's least frequent form, accounting for less than 10% of all cases. 

  • Perihilar cholangiocarcinoma: The hilum, where the right and left major bile ducts unite and leave the liver, is where perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (also known as a Klatskin tumor) originates. It accounts for more than half of all cases and is the most frequent form of the disease. 

  • Distant cholangiocarcinoma: They develop in bile ducts outside the liver. 

The three kinds of cholangiocarcinoma usually do not cause symptoms in the early stages. Hence, this cancer is not usually recognized until it has spread beyond the bile ducts to other tissues. Symptoms usually occur when a tumor obstructs the bile ducts and may include:

  • Jaundice, which causes the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow, is the most prevalent symptom. 

  • Excessive weariness (fatigue)

  • Itching

  • Dark-colored urine

  • Loss of appetite

  • Unintentional weight loss

  • Abdominal pain

  • Light-colored and oily stools

These symptoms are referred to as "nonspecific" since they could be signs of a variety of disorders.

The majority of cholangiocarcinoma patients are beyond the age of 65. Because this cancer is frequently not discovered until it has spread, proper treatment may be difficult to come by. Cancer patients might live for months to years following diagnosis, depending on where the disease is located and how advanced it is.

As we understand the complexity of bile duct cancer, our goal is to provide people with education, raise awareness, and provide insights into the medical community's continued attempts to uncover the mysteries of this challenging ailment. Join us as we set out to learn, tackle, and eventually overcome the challenges posed by bile duct cancer.

Types of Bile Duct Cancer

Intrahepatic bile duct cancer

Stage 0: Abnormal cells are detected in the deepest layer of tissue lining the intrahepatic bile duct. These abnormal cells are not cancerous, but they have the potential to develop into cancer and spread to nearby normal tissue.

Stage I: There are two types of intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma in stage I: IA and IB.

In stage IA, cancer has formed in an intrahepatic bile duct and the tumor is 5 cm or smaller.

In stage IB, cancer has grown in an intrahepatic bile duct and is larger than 5 cm.

Stage II: The tumor has spread through the wall of an intrahepatic bile duct and into a blood vessel in stage II intrahepatic bile duct cancer, or more than one tumor has developed in the intrahepatic bile duct and may have migrated into a blood vessel.

Stage III: Stage III intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma is classified as IIIA or IIIB.

In stage IIIA, the tumor has progressed through the liver capsule (outer lining).

In stage IIIB, cancer has spread to organs or tissues around the liver, such as the duodenum, colon, stomach, common bile duct, abdominal wall, diaphragm, or the vena cava region behind the liver, or to bordering lymph nodes.

Stage IV: Cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the bone, lungs, distant lymph nodes, or tissue lining the wall of the abdomen, and most organs in the abdomen.

Perihilar bile duct cancer

Stage 0: Normal cells are detected in the innermost layer of tissue lining the bile duct in stage 0 perihilar bile duct cancer (carcinoma in situ). These aberrant cells are not cancerous, but they can grow into cancer and spread to neighboring normal tissue. Stage 0 is often referred to as high-grade dysplasia. 

Stage I: In this stage, cancer has grown in the innermost layer of tissue lining the bile duct and has migrated into the muscle layer or fibrous tissue layer of the bile duct wall.

Stage II: Cancer has spread through the perihilar bile duct wall to nearby adipose tissue or liver tissue in stage II perihilar bile duct carcinoma.

Stage III: Stage III perihilar bile duct carcinoma is divided into three stages: IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC.

In stage IIIA, cancer has progressed to the hepatic artery or portal vein branches on one side. 

In stage IIIB, cancer has spread to one or more of the following organs: 

  • the major portal vein or its branches on both sides 

  • the right hepatic duct and the left branch of the hepatic artery or the portal vein 

  • the left hepatic duct and the right branch of the hepatic artery or the portal vein 

In stage IIIC, the malignancy has progressed to one to three adjacent lymph nodes.

Stage IV: In stage IV, there are two types of perihilar bile duct cancer: IVA and IVB.

In stage IVA, the malignancy has spread to four or more surrounding lymph nodes at this stage.

In stage IVB, cancer has progressed to other regions of the body, such as the liver, lung, bone, brain, skin, distant lymph nodes, abdominal wall tissue, and the majority of organs.

Distal bile duct cancer

Abnormal cells are found in the deepest layer of tissue lining the distal bile duct in stage 0 distal bile duct carcinoma. These aberrant cells are not cancerous but can grow into cancer and spread to neighboring normal tissue. 

Stage 0 is often referred to as high-grade dysplasia.

Stage I: In stage I distal bile duct carcinoma has spread and grown less than 5 millimeters into the bile duct wall.

Stage II: Stage II distal bile duct cancer is classified into two types: IIA and IIB.

In stage IIA, cancer has spread to one to three surrounding lymph nodes and less than 5 millimeters into the distal bile duct wall, or 5 to 12 millimeters into the distal bile duct wall.

In stage IIB: The malignancy has progressed 5 millimeters or more into the distal bile duct wall at this time. One to three neighboring lymph nodes may have been affected by the malignancy.

Stage III: Stage III distal bile duct cancer is classified into two types: IIIA and IIIB.

In Stage IIIA, cancer has progressed to the distal bile duct wall and four or more adjacent lymph nodes.

In Stage IIIB, cancer has progressed to the major veins that supply blood to the abdominal organs. Cancer could have spread to one or more nearby lymph nodes.

Stage IV: Carcinoma has progressed to other parts of the body such as the liver, lungs, or tissue lining the abdominal wall and most organs.


Genetic causes

Our genes are essential for the development, growth, and self-healing of our cells. These genes can occasionally undergo modifications or mutations, and in certain situations, these alterations may raise the chance of developing cancer. A tumor develops when a series of mutations in critical genes, such as those controlling cell division, allow cells to proliferate and divide uncontrollably. These genetic abnormalities are detected in the bile duct cells that give birth to the tumor. Some of these genes function as tumor suppressors, which means they assist in regulating cell growth and division.

Other cholangiocarcinoma-related genes are oncogenes, which means they have the power to transform normal cells into malignant cells when activated inappropriately. Somatic mutations in cholangiocarcinoma may reveal how quickly the disease grows and spreads, as well as which treatments are most effective.

Inherited gene abnormalities have also been explored as potential cholangiocarcinoma risk factors. Germline mutations are genetic alterations found in nearly all cells in the body. However, no heritable alterations have been identified as major risk factors for this condition.

Non-genetic causes

Cancer can occasionally arise from non-gene-inherited or non-gene-transmitted causes. A part may be played by external influences, lifestyle decisions, and environmental circumstances. There are several non-genetic risk factors for cholangiocarcinoma. These include primary sclerosing cholangitis, bile duct stones or cysts, and occupational exposure to certain chemical poisons. 

  • In Southeast Asia, parasitic worms in human bile ducts significantly increase the risk of getting cholangiocarcinoma. 

  • Long-term viral hepatitis B or C infection, scarring of the liver (cirrhosis), and chronic conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes 

  • Certain lifestyle variables, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity may increase the risk of developing cholangiocarcinoma.

Cholangiocarcinoma is caused by a mix of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. However, the vast majority of persons who get the illness do not have any of the risk factors indicated.

The metabolic theory and bile duct cancer

Nearly a century ago, Otto Warburg discovered that cancer cells consume high amounts of glucose, favoring glycolytic metabolism and lactate formation (fermentation) even in the presence of oxygen. After decades of research on the Warburg effect, neither the mechanism(s) underlying metabolic alterations nor its implications are entirely known. In fact, disruption of glucose and lactate metabolism is just one of several metabolic abnormalities that contribute to cancer formation and progression. Indeed, metabolic alterations are a well-known characteristic of cancer, and we clearly need to explore beyond genomic and transcriptome changes to better comprehend these rearrangements. Thus, breakthroughs in metabolomics (the study of metabolites) have significantly increased our understanding of tumor initiation and progression. 

The Warburg effect is defined as cells' ability to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is a nucleotide that provides energy to drive and support many processes in living beings. This effect states that ATP is produced by cells via the glycolytic pathway under aerobic conditions rather than oxidative phosphorylation. It is one of the most well-studied phenotypical metabolic processes in tumor cells. Because glycolysis is faster than oxidative phosphorylation, this method allows tumor cells to create ATP faster. However, since glycolysis is nearly 15 times less effective than aerobic respiration, tumor cells must absorb glucose at significantly higher concentrations to meet their energy requirements. 

Primary liver cancers have been used to study several stages of the glycolytic process, beginning with glucose uptake. The glucose transporter family (GLUT1, GLUT2, GLUT3, and GLUT4) transports glucose into the cytoplasm via the plasma membrane. In intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, elevated levels of GLUT1 are linked to worse patient outcomes. This enhanced glucose uptake by malignant cells is useful as a diagnostic tool in positron emission tomography (PET). 

Upon entering the cell, glucose undergoes an irreversible conversion to glucose-6-phosphate, which helps cancer cells in their growth, proliferation, metastasis, and invasion. Glucose-6-phosphate levels are significantly elevated in primary liver cancer tissue in contrast to the nearby liver parenchyma. Hexokinases are a class of enzymes that mediate this process. Hexokinase comes in four different isoforms (HK1, HK2, HK3, and HK4); in a physiological setting, the liver expresses HK4 the most. On the other hand, the major isoform in primary liver cancers is the mitochondrion-bound HK2, whose overexpression is boosted by hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1, a key modulator of cellular oxygen homeostasis, and MYC activation, which can prevent the growth of tumors by causing many cells to undergo apoptosis. Therefore, suppression of HK2 reduces the ability of cancer cells to perform glycolysis as well as the proliferation and expansion of cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. Crucially, in this context, HK4 expression does not promote glycolysis. HK2 impairment has a deleterious effect on cholangiocarcinoma cell invasion, migration, and proliferation. These findings imply that HK2 targeting of glycolysis may be a viable treatment strategy for bile duct cancer.


While it can be tough to talk about cancer symptoms, it's crucial that any symptoms be discussed with your doctor. Certain symptoms can occasionally be a sign of underlying medical conditions, such as cancer. Cancers that develop in the bile ducts outside the liver (extrahepatic bile duct cancer) or that impede bile drainage from the liver can cause several symptoms. Cancers that begin in the bile ducts inside the liver (intrahepatic bile duct cancer) typically do not cause symptoms until the malignancy has progressed. When they occur, they can cause the following symptoms: 

  • An overall sense of sickness

  • Unexplained weight loss: Doctors define unintentional weight loss as losing more than 10% of your body weight. This equates to losing 14 pounds for every 140 pounds weighed. Or, 6kg for every 60kg of body weight.

  • Belly (abdominal) pain: Abdominal pain is a common symptom of bile duct cancer. The pain is usually felt on the right side, just below the ribs. It is critical to remember that this type of pain can also be caused by other conditions such as gallstones.

  • Jaundice: When a tumor blocks the bile duct, bile cannot pass into the bowel and causes jaundice. As a result, bile enters your circulatory system and body tissues. The yellowing is caused by yellow pigments in the bile. Urine darkens more than usual if you have jaundice while stools might possibly be lighter in color. When you have jaundice, you may get a high fever, as a sign of inflammation.

  • Itching
    Itchy skin may occur if you have jaundice. An increase in bile in your bloodstream could be causing itching.


Since symptoms of bile duct cancer are non-specific, diagnosis plays a key role in devising the next step of treatment. For example, imaging procedures that take images of the bile ducts and surrounding area aid in the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) and show how far the cancer has progressed. The process of identifying whether cancer cells have progressed within and around the bile ducts or to distant sections of the body is known as staging.

In order to plan treatment, it is vital to evaluate whether the bile duct cancer can be surgically removed. Concurrent tests and procedures are often used to detect, diagnose, and stage bile duct cancer. Several tests and procedures can be performed:

  • Physical exam and health history: A physical exam will be performed to assess a person's health, including looking for indicators of disease, such as lumps or anything else that appears unusual. A history of the patient's health habits, as well as previous diseases and treatments, will be taken.

  • Liver function tests: A blood sample is tested during this process to determine the amount of bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase secreted into the blood by the liver. A greater than-normal level of these chemicals may indicate liver issues caused by bile duct carcinoma.

  • Laboratory tests: These employ samples of tissue, blood, urine, or other substances in the body to assist in diagnosing disease, plan and check treatment, or monitor the disease over time. For instance, increased levels of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and CA 19-9, which are tumor markers that are produced in the bloodstream by organs, tissues, or tumor cells in the body, may suggest bile duct malignancy.

  • Ultrasound examination: This treatment makes use of high-energy sound waves (ultrasound) that bounce off interior tissues or organs, such as the abdomen, producing echoes. The echoes combine to form a sonogram, which is an image of body tissues.

  • CT scan (CAT scan): A computer linked to an x-ray machine creates a series of detailed photos of internal organs, such as the abdomen, taken from various angles. A dye may be injected into a vein or consumed to make the organs or tissues more apparent. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computerized tomography, or computerized axial tomography.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A magnet, radio waves, and a computer are used to create a sequence of detailed images of sites inside the body. Soft tissue, nerves, and blood arteries are all depicted in exquisite detail on an MRI. Since MRI scans are thought to provide more precise images, they are frequently utilized to diagnose disorders involving the joints, organs, or bones. 

  • Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP): A magnet, radio waves, and a computer are used to generate a series of detailed images of internal organs such as the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder, pancreas, and pancreatic duct. Physicians identify pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, gallstones, and bile duct issues with magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), a contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As an IV dye passes through the pancreatic and biliary systems, an MRI scanner records images. 

  • Biopsy
    Various techniques may be performed to collect a tissue sample and diagnose bile duct carcinoma. During a biopsy, cells, and tissues are taken so that a pathologist can examine them under a microscope for symptoms of cancer. The type of operation utilized is determined by whether the patient is fit for surgery. The following are examples of biopsy procedures:

  • Laparoscopy: This surgical procedure examines the organs of the abdomen, such as the bile ducts and liver, for signs of cancer. Small incisions (cuts) are made in the abdominal wall, and a laparoscope (a thin, illuminated tube) is introduced through one of them. Other instruments may be inserted into the same or different incisions to perform operations such as tissue sampling \\or cancer diagnosis.

  • Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) is an x-ray examination of the liver and bile ducts. A small needle is inserted through the skin beneath the rib cage into the liver. After the dye is injected into the liver or bile ducts, an X-ray is taken. A tissue sample is collected and analyzed for malignant cells. If the bile duct gets obstructed, a thin, flexible tube known as a stent or a collection bag from outside the body may be implanted in the liver to empty bile into the small intestine. This procedure may be utilized when a patient is unable to undergo surgery.

  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) examines the ducts (tubes) that transport bile from the liver to the gallbladder and from the gallbladder to the small intestine using X-rays. Bile duct cancer can cause these channels to constrict, blocking or delaying bile flow, resulting in jaundice. A slender, tube-like instrument with a light and a viewing lens is passed into the mouth, stomach, and small intestine. After dye is injected into the bile ducts via the endoscope, an X-ray is taken. A tissue sample is collected and analyzed for malignant cells. This procedure may be utilized when a patient is unable to undergo surgery.

  • Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS): During this operation, an endoscope is inserted into the body, most usually through the mouth or rectum. An endoscope probe is used to generate echoes by bouncing high-energy sound waves (ultrasound) off inner tissues or organs. The echoes combine to form a sonogram, which is an image of body tissues. A tissue sample is collected and analyzed for malignant cells. This surgery is also known as endosonography.

Treatment Options


Palliative surgery and potentially curative surgery are the two main surgical approaches for bile duct cancer:

Potentially curative surgery for bile duct cancer

Resectable surgery, also known as potentially curative surgery, indicates that there is a good probability the surgeon will be able to remove all of the cancer together with a margin (margin) of healthy tissue surrounding it, based on imaging tests or the outcomes of previous surgeries.

Resectable bile duct cancers include only a minority of cases when they are initially discovered.

Should surgery be regarded as a possibly curative measure, you might want to seek a second opinion or even be directed to a large cancer center. The majority of medical professionals concur that surgery is the only practical means of treating patients with bile duct cancer.

Surgery for resectable bile duct cancers

Intrahepatic bile duct cancers: 

An adequate future liver remnant (FLR) is defined as at least two contiguous biliary segments with intact hepatic arterial, portal venous, hepatic venous, and biliary drainage of sufficient volume based on predetermined thresholds. Anatomic resectability of ICC is defined as the ability to completely remove the diseased portion of the liver while leaving behind an adequate future liver remnant (FLR). There are various augmentation options available when FLR is insufficient.

It is critical to evaluate the potential benefit of surgery in light of the underlying biology of the tumor. The existence of extrahepatic disease, histopathologic characteristics, degree of Ca 19-9 elevation, response to previous therapies, and genetic and molecular characteristics of the tumor are all significant factors to take into account. Radiologic features to be taken into account include vascular invasion, multifocality, obvious lymph node involvement, or subtle signs of peritoneal involvement. 

In this surgery, the surgeon removes the affected portion of the liver in order to treat these tumors. This can occasionally need the removal of the entire liver lobe (either the right or left portion). This procedure, known as a hepatic lobectomy, is difficult and calls for a skilled surgical team. Because the liver may regenerate to some extent, normal function will continue if only a little portion of it is eliminated.

Recurrence is common, occurring in up to 75% of patients after hepatectomy at 5 years, despite the importance of surgical resection to overall prognosis. This emphasizes the significance of developing multimodality therapeutic approaches to improve long-term outcomes for this aggressive cancer.

Perihilar bile duct cancer: 

Removing the lesion completely with microscopic negative margins (R0 resection) is the aim of curative purpose surgery. When determining the extent of resection, a liver remnant with vascular inflow and outflow, biliary drainage, and a sufficient functional liver remnant (FLR) are required. 

A right extended hepatectomy or left hemi-hepatectomy with concurrent bile duct resection, porta hepatis lymphadenectomy, and bilioenteric reconstruction are the usual procedures used to resect a perihilar bile duct cancer. Caudate resection should be part of the resection because it increases the likelihood of margin negative resection and survival without appreciably increasing morbidity. 

The rising use of robotic technology has accelerated the use of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) methods to primary colon cancer (pCCA) in medical institutions worldwide throughout the past ten years. With a pooled conversion rate of 5.5%, patients who had MIS had lower reported postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, comparable perioperative problems, and a 1-year death rate. The lower rates of caudate resection may lead to greater rates of local recurrence, however data on long-term oncologic outcomes following MIS for pCCA are still being collected.

Distal bile duct cancer: 

A pancreaticoduodenectomy  (PPW) is usually recommended due to the position of dCCA in the common bile duct. The key outcomes, perioperative parameters, and postoperative mortality of the pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy and the traditional Whipple (CW) have been evaluated and compared in numerous research. PPW required less time to operate on and had reduced intraoperative blood loss, resulting in a decreased need for transfusions, according to novel data; nonetheless, PPW was linked to a higher risk of delayed stomach emptying (DGE).

Over half of individuals who get R0 resection eventually have a recurrence after five years. According to guidelines, imaging should be done for surveillance every 3-6 months for the first two years, then every 6-12 months for the next five years, and as needed. Although studies have shown that an elevated perioperative CA19-9 level is related with lower OS, routine recommendations for postoperative CA19-9 levels have not yet been developed.

Adjuvent Therapy

Following the surgical removal of all visible cancer, some patients may have chemotherapy or radiation therapy to eradicate any residual cancer cells. Adjuvant therapy is treatment given after surgery to lessen the chances of the cancer returning. It is unknown whether chemotherapy or radiation therapy given after surgery helps to prevent cancer recurrence.

Palliative surgery may be performed to ease symptoms caused by a plugged bile duct and improve quality of life:

  • Biliary bypass: If cancer cells have blocked the bile duct and bile is accumulating in the gallbladder, a biliary bypass may be performed. The doctor will sew the gallbladder or bile duct in the area before the blockage to the bile duct. This type of surgery entails creating a new path around the occluded area.

  • Endoscopic stent placement: If the tumor is blocking the bile duct, surgery to insert a stent (a thin, flexible tube) to drain bile that has accumulated in the area may be performed. The stent may be inserted through a catheter that drains the bile into a bag on the outside of the body, or the stent may be inserted through the blocked location and empty the bile into the small intestine.

  • Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage is a procedure that uses X-rays to examine the liver and bile ducts. A tiny needle is introduced into the liver through the skin beneath the ribs. An X-ray is taken after a dye is injected into the liver or bile ducts. If the bile duct becomes clogged, a stent in the liver or an external collection bag may be utilized to empty the bile into the small intestine.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays or other types of radiation to either kill or inhibit the development of cancer cells. Radiation can be used to treat bile duct carcinoma in the following ways:

External radiation therapy involves directing radiation toward the diseased location using a machine positioned outside the body. Radiation is given in a series of sessions to allow healthy cells to recuperate and to boost radiation efficacy. The number of treatments is decided by cancer-specific variables such as tumor size and location. However, external radiation therapy is not known to be effective in the treatment of resectable bile duct cancer.

In patients with unresectable, metastatic, or recurrent bile duct carcinoma, new ways to increase the efficacy of external radiation therapy on cancer cells are being investigated:

  • Hyperthermia therapy includes heating human tissue to make cancer cells more vulnerable to the effects of radiation therapy and some anticancer drugs.

  • Radiosensitizers are medications that make cancer cells more sensitive to radiation therapy. When radiation therapy is combined with radiosensitizers, more cancer cells may be destroyed.

Internal radiation therapy entails encasing a radioactive substance in needles, seeds, wires, or catheters and inserting them directly into or near the bile duct. Because of its small wavelength, the radiation targets the cancer while sparing adjacent healthy bodily parts from significant damage. 

As a form of internal radiation therapy called brachytherapy, radiation-containing seeds, ribbons, or capsules are inserted into your body either inside or close to the tumor. Brachytherapy is a type of local therapy that solely targets a particular area of the body. Cancers of the head and neck, breast, cervix, prostate, and eye are frequently treated with it.

Three varieties of brachytherapy exist.

  • Low-dose rate (LDR) implants: The radiation source in this kind of brachytherapy is left in place for a period of one to seven days. This is probably when you'll be in the hospital. Your doctor will remove the catheter or applicator and the radiation source after your treatment is complete.

  • Implants with a high dose rate (HDR): In this kind of brachytherapy, the radiation source is removed after just 10 to 20 minutes of continuous use. Treatment may be administered once a week for two to five weeks, or twice a day for two to five days. The timeline is based on the type of cancer you have. Your catheter or applicator may be inserted prior to each treatment, or it may remain in place throughout the course of the procedure. During this time, you might be admitted to the hospital or you might visit the hospital every day to have the radiation source installed. When your treatment is over, your doctor will remove the applicator or catheter, just like with LDR implants.

  • Permanent implants: The catheter is withdrawn following the implantation of the radiation source. For the duration of your life, the implants are in your body, but the radiation diminishes daily. Nearly all of the radiation will disappear over time. You might need to take additional safety precautions and restrict your time with other people when the radiation is first installed. Take particular caution to avoid spending time with women who are expecting or children.

Radiation therapy, both external and internal, is used to treat bile duct cancer, and it can also be used as palliative therapy to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.


Chemotherapy is a treatment that uses drugs to either kill or prevent the growth of cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body when taken orally or injected into a vein or muscle. Certain malignancies that have progressed to organs other than the bile duct may benefit from this treatment since these medications enter the bloodstream and travel throughout the body. 

Unresectable, metastatic, or recurrent bile duct carcinoma is treated with systemic chemotherapy. The following chemotherapy drugs may be used:

  • gemcitabine and cisplatin

  • capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX)

  • gemcitabine and oxaliplatin (GEMOX)

  • gemcitabine and capecitabine

Regional chemotherapy: 

While surgical resection, liver transplantation, and ablation therapy are regarded as standard of care for patients with localized HCC, surgery is the preferred course of treatment for patients with biliary tract tumors who are amenable to resection. Conversely, several systemic therapies have shown promise in either the first or second line setting for metastatic HCC. These therapies include cabozantinib, lenvatinib, regorafenib, sorafenib, ramucirumab (limited to patients with elevated alpha-fetoprotein), and the checkpoint inhibitors pembrolizumab and nivolumab. Gemcitabine plus cisplatin is the only first-line therapy that has shown promise in treating metastatic biliary tract malignancies, with fewer systemic options available. Additionally, there is a class of hepatobiliary tumors that are distinguished by an unresectable locally advanced illness that does not spread. 

These patients benefit from locoregional therapies, which includes 

  • Transarterial hepatic embolization (TAE)- A catheter, which is a thin, flexible tube, is inserted through a small incision into an artery in the inner thigh and eased up into the hepatic artery in the liver during trans-arterial embolization. Typically, a dye is injected into the bloodstream to aid the physician in monitoring the catheter's route.

  • Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE)- During TACE treatment, a highly concentrated chemotherapeutic dose is infused via selective catheterization of the tumor-feeding artery branch. Chemotherapy toxicity is reduced when the tumor microcirculation becomes embolized after the infusion, resulting in a delayed cytotoxic effect.

  • Drug-eluting bead TACE (DEB-TACE)
    Beads that elute drugs TACE is a medication delivery technique that combines the release of chemotherapy into nearby tissue with localized embolization of the vasculature. DEBs have the capacity to concurrently perform embolization and drug-carrier function, the two therapeutic components of TACE. This reduces the possibility of systemic drug release. 

  • Hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy (HAI)
    Chemotherapy administered via a liver-connected pump is known as HAI. This allows physicians to benefit from the specific anatomy of the liver. The portal vein supplies the liver with the majority of its blood. However, the hepatic artery serves as a separate source of blood supply for liver cancers. With fewer side effects than conventional chemotherapy, doctors can target liver cancers from the inside by using the hepatic artery.
    A pump is inserted into the abdomen and connected to the hepatic artery in cases of HAI. They can continuously administer a potent dosage of chemotherapy to the liver thanks to the pump. As the drug passes through the liver, cancer cells are destroyed. 

  • Radioembolization
    The injection of micron-sized embolic particles laden with a radioisotope to deliver high focused doses of radiation to tumors is known as radioembolization. Radioembolization is a useful treatment for HCC that can be used as a palliative measure, to downstage or bridge the illness so that a liver transplant is possible, or both.
    Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT)
    External beam radiation therapy includes stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT), which differs from conventional radiotherapy in that it uses higher fractional radiation doses in fewer fractions. For patients for whom traditional modalities like surgery (resection or transplanting) or ablation are deemed inappropriate, SBRT has been acknowledged as an alternative therapy. As SBRT can be used in conjunction with other therapy techniques, it may enhance the prognosis of HCC.

Liver Transplant

There is a chance that a donor liver will need to be transplanted for certain patients whose intrahepatic or perihilar bile duct tumors are incurable at an early stage. It may even be able to cure cancer in certain circumstances. During a liver transplant, the complete liver is removed and replaced with a healthy donated liver. A liver transplant may be beneficial for patients with perihilar bile duct cancer. Other treatments are offered if the patient is unable to wait for a donated liver.

When a person's liver can no longer sustain them through proper function, a liver transplant is advised. For those with liver failure, a successful liver transplant can be a lifesaver. Acute liver failure is the term for sudden liver failure caused, for example, by an infection or side effects from certain drugs. Chronic liver failure is a type of liver failure that develops over months, years, or even decades as a result of a persistent issue. 

A team of experts refers a patient in need of a liver transplant to a transplant hospital for evaluation. The transplant committee examines the patient's records once they have finished all necessary testing. The person's name gets added to the national transplant waiting list if the committee decides they are a good candidate for a transplant. The Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN), which is in charge of transplant organ distribution in the United States, is administered by the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), which also maintains this list. The organ allocation mechanism makes sure that the sickest individuals receive organs from dead donors first.

A priority score is given to each person when they are placed on the waiting list, signifying the urgency with which they require a transplant. Their healthcare provider determines the score using a predetermined formula. The two scoring systems are the PELD (Pediatric End-stage Liver Disease) for children under the age of twelve and the MELD (Model for End-stage Liver Disease) for adults.

MELD scores vary from 6 to 40 and are determined by the following four blood tests findings in addition to the patient's dialysis status:

  • Internal Normalized Ratio, or INR, is a measure of how well the liver produces the proteins required for blood clotting.

  • The kidney function indicator creatinine

  • Bilirubin: a measure of the health of the liver

  • Sodium, an indicator of the body’s ability to regulate fluid balance

PELD scores are based on the following and range from negative values to 99:

  • Age of a child

  • The extent of a child's growth failure

  • Outcomes of these blood tests: INR, bilirubin, and albumin—a liver-produced protein that is typically absent from normal levels in liver disease patients

A greater urgency for a liver transplant is indicated by a higher MELD or PELD score. For instance, MELD points are increased for those who have cancer. A person's score could increase or decrease while they are on the waiting list depending on how bad their health gets.

Surgery for a liver transplant is complicated. Surgeons will remove the entire damaged or diseased liver during the procedure and replace it with the donor liver. Your body will have multiple tubes inserted to support it during the procedure and for a few days following to assist it do specific tasks. These consist of a breathing tube, an IV line for medicine and fluids, a catheter to remove waste from your bladder, and more tubes to remove blood and fluid from your abdomen. After spending a few days in an intensive care unit, you will be transferred to a standard hospital room when you're ready. The duration of your hospital stay is determined by your unique situation and any potential problems.

After a transplant, people typically resume their regular—or almost normal—activities six to twelve months later. Throughout the first year, regular check-ups and close medical monitoring with the transplant team are crucial. You should take an active role in your own healthcare in order to get the greatest results:

  • Adhere to the prescription drug regimen precisely.

  • Recognize the warning symptoms of infection and rejection and notify your healthcare physician right away if you see any.

  • Stay away from those who are contagious (colds, flu, etc.).

  • Eat healthily, get frequent exercise, abstain from alcohol, and lead a smoke-free lifestyle.

Although the exact length of time a given person might be anticipated to live after receiving a transplant is unknown, the five-year survival rate is currently approximately 75%. The good news is that American liver transplant outcomes are constantly improving. Almost twice as many adult liver transplant recipients were surviving as there were ten years prior (28,500 in 2002) as there were as of June 2012. For those with permanent liver disease, liver transplantation has been and still is an effective life-saving treatment.

Personalized Medicine

Unlike a traditional, "non-customized" strategy, a precision medicine-based method selects the best course of action based on the unique molecular abnormalities that each patient exhibits. In a study, the molecular profiles of 260 Japanese patients with biliary tract cancer (145 iCCA, 86 pCCA/dCCA, and 29 gallbladder cancers) was characterized by next generation sequencing (NGS) in a thorough analysis. The results showed a high rate (38.9%) of potentially actionable genetic mutations. Numerous biological processes, including angiogenesis, cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, and wound healing, are influenced by the fibroblastic growth factor (FGF) pathway. Many epithelial malignancies, including CCA, have been linked to a dysregulation of FGF signaling. 

The idea that organ-specific mutations in epigenetic regulators are typical in CCA has been emphasized by genomic investigations. Notably, in at least half of iCCA cases, studies have found inactivating mutations in numerous chromatin-remodeling genes. Among the most prevalent genetic lesions in iCCA (25%) are genes encoding isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1, IDH2). These genes cause an accumulation of 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG), an oncometabolite, leading to genetic dysregulation and epigenetic dysregulation as well as oncogenesis.

Novel Approaches to Treatment

1. Targeted Therapy Based on Genetic Mutations

Studies have revealed that bile duct cancers are target-rich malignancies, with therapeutically relevant genetic changes discovered in nearly half of the patients, resulting in several clinical trials with targeted therapeutics. Although no randomized investigation has yet shown the superiority of the targeted treatment in advanced bile duct cancer, patients in the MOSCATO-01 trial who received targeted therapy (18 out of 43 patients) had a better median overall survival than those who did not.

IDH mutations, FGFR mutations, BRAF mutations, the DNA damage repair (DDR) pathway, and the HER2 pathway are currently the most promising targets in advanced bile duct cancers.

FGFR Pathway

Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) promote the proliferation, differentiation, and migration of cancer cells. The most prevalent FGFR aberration is FGFR2 fusion, which activates numerous oncogenic canonical signaling pathways downstream of FGFR. FGFR2 fusions are more therapeutically important than FGFR mutations.

In previously treated patients with FGFR2 fusions, these selective FGFR inhibitors are linked with an tumor objective response rate (ORR) of 15-35% and a median PFS of roughly six months. For the uninitiated, the ORR is the measurement of the tumor burden (TB) in individuals with solid tumors following a specific treatment.

Pemigatinib, a selective oral inhibitor of FGFR1-3, was studied in a phase II research (FIGHT-202) that included chemotherapy-refractory patients (patients who did not respond to chemotherapy) with various FGFR abnormalities. In patients with FGFR2 fusions, the ORR was 35.5%, the median progression-free survival (PFS) was 6.9 months, and the preliminary OS was 21.1 months. This study's findings led to the FDA's approval of pemigatinib for the treatment of chemotherapy-refractory advanced intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, marking the first time a targeted drug was approved for advanced bile duct cancer. 

Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH) Mutations

The most commonly detected mutant metabolic gene in cancer is the isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) gene. Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 result in active site replacements, which have a significant impact on IDH activity, cellular metabolism, and the development of cancer.

Studies note that approximately 20% of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) patients have IDH1 or IDH2 mutations. IDH1 mutations are more common than IDH2 mutations and are observed in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma that are not associated with hepatitis or fluke infection. These somatic mutations enhance IDH1/2 activity, causing cell metabolism to be modulated and the accumulation of 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG), an oncometabolite that interferes with normal cell differentiation and promotes cancer.

Given the limited effectiveness of IDH inhibitors, clinical trials are investigating novel techniques targeting IDH mutations. In a preclinical investigation using a high-throughput drug screening approach, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) cell lines showed extraordinary sensitivity to dasatinib, a multikinase inhibitor, which was verified in a xenograft model. Dasatinib is now being studied in a phase II trial in individuals with advanced iCCA who have IDH mutations. 

Another preclinical study found that 2-HG generated by IDH mutations inhibits homologous recombination and increases PARP (poly ADP ribose polymerase) inhibitor sensitivity ('BRCAness'). Here, PARP is an enzyme that facilitates the self-healing of injured cells whereas PARP inhibitors are used to treat cancer by preventing PARP from repairing cancer cells, which causes the cell to die.

Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (HER) Pathway

Through a variety of signal transduction pathways, the HER family participates in cellular proliferation and differentiation and controls cell growth, survival, and differentiation. The HER family receptors are divided into four types: epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) or HER1, HER-2, HER-3, and HER-4. So far, therapies targeting HER2 have shown only minor efficacy. The majority of the 5-15% of BTCs that express HER2 are gallbladder malignancies or eCCA. Overexpression of EGFR (HER1) is frequent in bile duct cancer patients and is associated with a poor prognosis, particularly in iCCA. 

Erlotinib, an oral reversible HER1 inhibitor, has inhibitory effect on isolated HER2 kinase. Erlotinib efficiently suppresses the growth of HER2-driven systems in vivo, despite its little in vitro activity on pure protein. In a phase III research, erlotinib plus chemotherapy (gemcitabine and oxaliplatin) was compared to chemotherapy alone in therapy-naive patients with advanced bile duct cancer. The combination of erlotinib and chemotherapy resulted in a considerably higher ORR, but no improvement in PFS or OS was seen. A post-research analysis of this trial revealed that CCA patients had a better median PFS with combination treatment. 

DNA Damage Repair (DDR) Mechanisms and BAP1 Mutations

Somatic or germline BRCA (breast cancer gene) mutations are found in around 3.5% of bile duct cancer patients, resulting in an immunogenic tumor profile characterized by a greater TMB (tumor mutational burden). DDR pathway mutations or IDH1 mutations have been found in around half of bile duct cancer patients. A phase II research is underway to assess the combination of rucaparib (a PARP inhibitor) with nivolumab (a PD-1 blocker) in a group of patients who progressed on chemotherapy. Patients with CCA (mainly iCCA) who have BAP1 mutations, a tumor suppressor gene involved in DNA double-strand break repair, have a more aggressive illness and a poor response to traditional therapy.

2. Immunotherapy:

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) work by inhibiting one or more surface protein interactions that regulate the adaptive immune response, most notably the interaction between PD-L1 (tumor and stromal cells) and PD1 (T cells), which prevents tumor cell killing by cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and the interaction between CTLA-4 (T cells) and CD80/CD86 (antigen-presenting cells), which causes T cell anergy. ICIs have become a mainstay in the treatment of many solid tumors, having approved uses both alone and in conjunction with chemotherapy or antiangiogenic medicines. 

ICI therapy in the second-line treatment for advanced bile duct cancers has been studied in several studies. The phase Ib KEYNOTE-028 trial and phase II KEYNOTE-158 trial, which were designed to assess the safety and efficacy of pembrolizumab, used pembrolizumab monotherapy on bile duct cancer patients. The objective response rates (ORRs), which describe the percentage of patients who achieve a complete or at least partial response, for KEYNOTE-028 and KEYNOTE-158 were 13.0% and 30.8%, respectively. On the other hand, a phase II study of nivolumab monotherapy in the second line found it to be ineffective, with an ORR of 10.9%.

So far, the greatest success in using immunotherapy for bile duct cancers has come from combining immune checkpoint blockade with first-line chemotherapy. For instance, the ABC-02 trial defined gemcitabine plus cisplatin (GC) as the standard regimen for advanced biliary tract cancers. Preclinical studies have indicated that chemotherapy, specifically cisplatin and the gemcitabine/cisplatin combination, has the potential to cause immunomodulation in the tumor environment, providing justification for combining an ICI with the ABC-02 regimen. Indeed, while cisplatin is commonly thought to be immunosuppressive due to its effects on total blood counts, it has been shown to recruit effector cells (which can increase or decrease enzyme activity, gene expression, influence cell signaling, or other protein functions), upregulate MHC class I expression (which play an essential role in the immune response to pathogens) to promote tumor antigen presentation, and increase cytotoxic T cell lytic function at the tumor level.

The single-center, open-label phase II NCT03046862 trial, by contrast, investigated three different configurations: (1) gemcitabine/cisplatin followed by cisplatin plus durvalumab and tremelimumab; (2) gemcitabine/cisplatin plus durvalumab; and (3) gemcitabine/cisplatin plus durvalumab and tremelimumab, with the primary endpoint of objective response. The ORR in Group 1 was 50%, 72% in Group 2, and 70% in Group 3. While there was no statistical difference between the groups, this highlighted the efficacy of commencing immunotherapy early on and the limited benefit of adding double immunotherapy over adding monotherapy alone.

Another trial, TOPAZ-1, formally compared gemcitabine/cisplatin with durvalumab versus placebo. After eight cycles of chemotherapy and immunotherapy, durvalumab (or placebo) was continued as maintenance therapy. TOPAZ-1 noted a median overall survival (OS) of 12.8 months in the chemoimmunotherapy arm vs. 11.5 months in the standard-of-care arm. Notably, the chemoimmunotherapy and chemotherapy OS and PFS curves did not separate until after the 6-month point, whereas the following benefit of chemoimmunotherapy continued thereafter. This suggested that adding immunotherapy treatment had a delayed but long-lasting benefit in a subset of patients.

Several first-line trials are underway to investigate alternative ICI monotherapies in combination with chemotherapy. Envafolimab (KN035), a new subcutaneously administered single-domain anti-PD-L1 antibody, is being tested in a randomized phase III trial (NCT03478488) that compares gemcitabine/oxaliplatin with or without envafolimab. NCT04191343 (toripalimab with gemcitabine/oxaliplatin), NCT03796429 (toripalimab plus gemcitabine and S-1), and NCT04172402 (nivolumab plus gemcitabine and S-1) are some other ongoing phase II trials.

3. Advanced Endoscopic Techniques:

Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

This method treats issues with the bile and pancreatic ducts by combining upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy with x-rays. This procedure is preferred because endoscopic techniques outperform surgical drainage in terms of enhanced survival (19 vs 16 months) and lower morbidity and overall expenses in palliative situations.

Endoscopic ablative techniques

Endoscopically delivered ablative treatments such as photodynamic therapy, radiofrequency ablation, and brachytherapy have been developed to improve active tumor management and long-term stent patency. Radiofrequency ablation is the most studied and available approach at the moment, relieving heat energy to cause local tissue necrosis and is delivered via an ERCP scope or occasionally percutaneously.

EUS-guided biliary drainage

Endoscopic ultrasound-guided (EUS) biliary stenting has developed as an effective method for draining clogged biliary systems via the stomach (hepaticogastrostomy [HG]) or the duodenum (choledochoduodenostomy [CD]). CD is only suitable for dCCA, whereas HG could drain pCCA in the 10% of cases where ERCP fails. The procedure entails studying the biliary tree using endosonography and fluoroscopy, entering it frequently with a fine-needle aspiration needle and guidewire and finally placing a decompressing stent with endosonography and fluoroscopy. 

4. Enhanced Surgical Techniques:

Extended hemihepatectomy for hilar bile duct carcinoma

Extended hemihepatectomy is the standard surgical approach for hilar bile duct carcinoma because of its radicality and simplicity. The right side of the liver, the inferior part of Couinaud's segment IV, and the entire caudate lobe are all removed during an extended right hemihepatectomy. Extended left hemihepatectomy involves removing the left side of the liver, the hilar portion of the anterior segment, and the majority of the caudate lobe. If the tumor is on the left side, an extended left hemihepatectomy is recommended. Pancreatoduodenectomy is performed concurrently if the tumor has progressed into the intrapancreatic bile duct.

Right or left trisectoriectomy for hilar bile duct carcinoma

Because of the substantial loss of volume in the hepatic parenchyma, right or left trisectoriectomy is one of the most thorough resections. Hilar bile duct cancer spreads to the hepatic hilum, causing jaundice and necessitating trisectoriectomy for curative resection. A right or left trisectoriectomy is preferable for obtaining a cancer-free margin in the hepatic ducts. Negative liver margins (no cancer cells found at the edge of a tissue) were established in 75% of cases treated with left trisectoriectomy and 87.5% of cases treated with right trisectoriectomy, which are both greater rates than obtained with prolonged hemihepatectomy. 

Surgery for middle and distal bile duct cancer

Pancreatoduodenectomy (PD), which is a surgery for the removal of the head of the pancreas, is the preferred treatment for cancer of the middle and lower bile ducts. PD performed while still preserving a part of the stomach called the pylorus, is widely used since its short- and long-term outcomes are comparable to normal PD. When a middle bile duct cancer develops midway along the extrahepatic duct, the choice must be made between PD and hemihepatectomy (resection of a part of the liver) based on the tumor site and extension.

5. Chemoembolization and Radioembolization

Arterial embolization is also called transarterial embolization (TAE). This operation involves inserting a catheter into the femoral artery and threading it up to the hepatic artery in the liver. Radioembolization, also known as transarterial radioembolization, is a procedure that combines embolization and radiation therapy. In the US, "microspheres" embedded with radioactive isotopes (yttrium-90 or Y-90) are injected into the hepatic artery. The radio-infused beads become lodged in blood vessels surrounding the tumor, emitting modest amounts of radiation over several days.

Radiation's effects are primarily localized to the tumor due to its short travel distance.

Radioembolization is most commonly used to treat liver cancer. The disease can present in two forms: There are two types of liver cancer: primary hepatic carcinoma (HCC) and metastasis from a primary tumor elsewhere (e.g., colorectal cancer). Radioembolization is commonly used to treat metastatic colorectal cancer and primary HCC.

A pilot trial of 24 patients with biopsy-proven intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) found that Y-90 treatment had a positive response and improved survival outcomes. The imaging follow-up of the trial population showed partial response in 27%, stable illness in 68%, and progression in 5%. The majority of patients (77%) had more than 50% tumor necrosis. The median overall survival was 14.9 months. Patients with portal vein thrombosis had a significantly lower survival rate (5.7 months). 

Chemoembolization, sometimes called transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), combines embolization and chemotherapy. The procedure dearterializes the tumor and selectively delivers chemotherapy medicines into its feeding arteries during angiography. Typically, small beads emitting a chemotherapeutic medication are used to embolize. TACE can also involve administering chemotherapy using a catheter and blocking the artery. Tumor ischemia improves medication concentration and retention compared to infusion alone in chemotherapy treatments.

6. Molecular Profiling and Biomarkers:

Bile acids

Patients with biliary system cancers showed lower total bile acid concentrations than patients with biliary stones or controls (liver transplant donors without biliary illness). Biliary tract tumor patients with bilirubin ≤ 2.0mg/dL had lower total bile acid concentration compared to the control group, indicating its usefulness in early identification of biliary system malignancies. Studies have also noted an enhanced ratio of primary bile acids to conjugated bile acids in CCA patients compared to benign breast disease (BBD) or prostate cancer, which is consistent with earlier findings demonstrating that conjugated bile acids can stimulate the formation of bile tract malignancies. 


The lipid family consists of phospholipids, glycolipids, cholesterol, and their esters. Oxidized phospholipids (oxPLs) play a key role in tumor cell apoptosis. ON-PC (1-palmitoyl-2(9-oxononanoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine) and S-PC (1-palmitoyl-2-succinoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine) levels were considerably higher in cholangiocarcinoma patients. Research notes that ON-PC's sensitivity and specificity for differentiating cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) from other biliary strictures were 85.7% and 80.3%, respectively. The combination of ON-PC and S-PC enhanced sensitivity and specificity to 100% and 83.3%, respectively. These data show that lipids and their metabolites are key biliary indicators for bile duct cancers.

Mucin family

Mucin and mucin-like domains regulate the immune system, inflammation, adhesion, and carcinogenesis. Some mucins are overexpressed in cancer cells, contributing to carcinogenesis and progression. Several mucin family members exist in the bile and can be used as bile indicators. MUC2, which forms the intestinal mucus skeleton and covers and shields the digestive system from various bacteria and self-digestion, and MUC16, which is a component of colonic mucus and protects the colon from enzymatic degradation, were the first mucin family members found to be differentially expressed in bile between CCA and controls, however their sensitivity and specificity in diagnosing CCA require additional validation. Previous research has found that intratumoral MUC4 and MUC5AC are linked to the diagnosis and prognosis of biliary tract cancers. 

Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL)

NGAL, also known as lipocalin-2 (LCN2), is a multifunctional protein secreted by active neutrophils. NGAL contributes to the onset and growth of cancers. A study that examined the bile protein patterns of both benign and malignant illnesses noted that biliary NGAL was the most effective biomarker for discriminating between the two illness groups. Furthermore, the combination of biliary NGAL and serum CA19-9, a type of tumor marker produced by cancer cells or by normal cells in response to cancer, can increase cancer detection accuracy. Another study found that bile NGAL levels may identify pancreaticobiliary cancer from benign biliary disorders with sensitivity and specificity of 73.3% and 72.2%, respectively. 


CCA cells can release a variety of cytokines, which encourage tumor development via paracrine mechanisms. Some of the cytokines released by CCA can enter the bile and may act as biomarkers. IGF-1 and VEGF were the most extensively investigated. IGF-1 is a bioactive protein polypeptide, and serum levels have previously been linked to prostate, breast, pancreatic, lung, and colorectal cancer. VEGF increases tumor angiogenesis, and a link between blood VEGF levels and various malignancies has been established. IGF-1 and VEGF expression levels in the bile and serum of patients with extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatic cancer, and benign biliary abnormalities were assessed for their role as tumor markers. Biliary IGF-1 clearly distinguished extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma from benign biliary anomalies or pancreatic malignancy. 

Bile VEGF levels have no discernible effect on biliary blockage. Meanwhile, another study found that the level of bile VEGF might differentiate pancreatic patients from other types of biliary strictures. Biliary VEGF-1 could potentially rule out distal common bile duct malignancy. 


Bile duct cancers are always exacerbated by an unusual configuration of pancreaticobiliary ducts, which affects bile digesting enzymes. Abnormal digestive enzymes and their respective product expression in bile may function as indicators. One study employed quantitative proteomics to evaluate bile proteins in six CCA patients with three different gross-appearance tumor types in order to uncover potential indicators. They chose α-1 antitrypsin (AAT) for further validation. Fecal AAT, which can indirectly reflect bile AAT, can distinguish CCA from controls with 80% sensitivity and 75% specificity, respectively.

Elevated amylase activity in bile is also linked to pancreaticobiliary reflux, a major risk factor for biliary system malignancies. As a result, increased biliary amylase activity is related with bile duct cancer carcinogenesis. However, the location and amount of biliary tract obstruction have an impact on pancreaticobiliary reflux. Amylase levels in bile are not specific for identifying biliary tract malignancy In comparison to patients with gallbladder stones, CCA patients had increased pancreatic elastase (PE). Biliary PE can identify CCA patients from those with gallstones. The combined measurement of PE and amylase, along with the PE to amylase ratio, can improve the accuracy of CCA diagnosis. 


CfDNA refers to fragmented DNA found in non-cellular blood components, which are typically double-stranded fragments ranging in length from 150 to 200 base pairs. In cancer patients, the cfDNA secreted by tumor cells is known as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), and it makes up a portion of the total cfDNA. Assessing ctDNA in bile is a potential liquid biopsy technique, particularly for patients with limited tumor tissue to biopsy. Several studies have established the feasibility of detecting genetic alterations of ctDNA in biliary system cancers with a high compatibility rate using tissue biopsies. A recent study found that genetic alterations of ctDNA in bile are identical to those in tissues and more effective than in plasma.

It was earlier considered that greater cfDNA levels indicated tumor development. However, many other diseases contribute to a comparable increase. Thus, current study has concentrated on epigenetic characteristics of cfDNA, such as methylation. 

7. Stroma-targeted Therapies:

The tumor stroma is extremely active, diverse, and often tumor-type specific. It is primarily composed of noncellular components such as the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the distinct cancer-associated vascular system, as well as a variety of cellular components such as activated cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), and pericytes. These numerous stromal components generate a dynamic environment that promotes cancer progression and may be used as biomarkers in cancer.

Targeting the ECM

Tumor ECM is denser and stiffer than normal ECM. The tumor ECM normally undergoes a number of modifications, including deposition, degradation, and post-translational modification. Several strategies have been developed to inhibit or reduce the ECM's tumor-promoting functions, including inhibiting ECM synthesis and deposition, increasing the degradation of various ECM components, and blocking signaling molecules that contribute to cell-matrix interactions and protumorigenic feedback.

One intriguing approach to reducing ECM deposition is to impair its crosslinking and stability. Among these techniques, targeting lysyl oxidase (LOX) activity, which is frequently elevated in several cancer types and responsible for catalyzing collagen crosslinking, appears to be the most effective, as it can reduce stroma density and hence improve anticancer therapy outcomes. 

In a randomized phase II trial, researchers looked at the effects of PEGPH20 combined with conventional nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine (PAG) on pancreatic cancer patients. The results showed that patients with HA-high tumors who got PAG had the biggest FAS improvement, and critically, the linked clinical data also supported the potential use of tumor HA as a prognostic biomarker for cancer patients. 

Cancer vaccines are being developed as a possible therapeutic option for solid tumors, and they are being thoroughly investigated in both preclinical and clinical trials. Several ECM components have recently been employed as antigens to develop cancer vaccines. During tumor matrix remodeling, the alternatively spliced extra domain-A (ED-A) of fibronectin was found to reexpress, making them an attractive target. Targeting ED-A with immunization in the therapeutic condition could prevent cancer metastasis and reduce tumor burden, implying that the ECM may be a potential option for creating successful cancer vaccines and warranting further investigation in clinical trials.

Targeting cancer vasculature

Targeting cancer arteries has piqued the curiosity of a growing number of scientists and has been employed in clinical settings. The typical strategy is to reduce proangiogenic signaling or factor activity, but in some cases, this approach has not resulted in long-term clinical survival advantages and may even develop drug resistance or limit agent delivery, ultimately leading to tumor spread. As a result, an appealing prospect is redesigning aberrant tumor blood vessels, which might restore the shape and function of vasculature and subsequently improve drug penetration and obtain better outcomes, now known as "vascular normalization".

Aside from in conjunction with chemotherapy, bevacizumab plus targeted therapy frequently demonstrates anticancer activity and provides therapeutic advantages in cancer patients. Erlotinib, an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has been found to have synergistic effects when coupled with anti-VEGF treatments, particularly in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer and colorectal cancer. Compared to erlotinib alone in EGFR-positive NSCLC patients, the combinational use of bevacizumab and erlotinib gives clinical benefits to patients by improving their progression-free survival.

Other anti-VEGF signaling medications have been tested in the clinic, both alone and in conjunction with chemotherapy or targeted therapy. Ramucirumab, also known as Cyramza, is a humanized antibody approved by the FDA that targets the VEGFR-2 extracellular domain and has some degree of efficiency in lengthening PFS and OS in patients with lung cancer, gastro-oesophageal junction adenocarcinoma, and liver cancer.

Immunotherapy is progressively becoming a primary focus of cancer treatment and is a viable option in advanced solid tumors. Interestingly, tumoral vascular normalization has the potential to improve the infiltration of diverse immune effector cells, and vice versa, as the discovery that functional stimulation of immune cells can normalize tumor vessels, establishing a bidirectionally positive feedback loop for antitumor effects and providing a novel combined antitumor treatment option. A phase II trial evaluated the effect of nivolumab (anti-PD-1 mAb) in combination with bevacizumab in patients with various cancer types and found therapeutic benefit with enhanced ORR or durable response.

Targeting cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs)

Several earlier studies have discovered distinct mechanisms of CAFs' tumor-promoting actions. Clinical studies indicated that the infiltration of activated CAFs was associated with a poor prognosis, resistance to numerous treatments, and even disease recurrence in cancer patients. As a result, targeting CAFs has emerged as an interesting strategy for cancer intervention and is likely to provide oncologists with clinical decision-making.

One previously tried technique is CAF elimination via cell surface markers, which are used for identification and purification of human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). CAFs express fibroblast activation protein-α (FAP), a factor that plays a crucial role in carcinogenesis. Depletion of FAP+ cells slows tumor growth, principally by increasing anti-tumor immunity. Broad attempts are underway to put this promising idea into practice. For instance, a DNA vaccine that targets just FAP has been shown to reduce primary and metastatic tumor growth and enhance absorption of chemotherapeutic drugs. The combination of FAP-DNA vaccine with other tumor antigen-specific DNA vaccines demonstrated synergic effects of anti-tumor immunity.

8. Enhanced Supportive Care

Your oncologist is the first person you can consult about palliative care. They can then refer you to a palliative care specialist based on your need. Palliative care specialists are healthcare professionals who have received specialized training to help cancer patients' medical, emotional, spiritual, and social needs. Some palliative care approaches for bile duct cancer are:

Biliary stent 

This is the most common palliative treatment option for advanced bile duct cancer. This method involves inserting a tiny plastic or metal tube through the bile duct obstruction. This allows the duct to be open and promotes the normal flow of bile to the small intestines.

Radiofrequency ablation 

This method helps to kill malignancies that cannot be removed surgically. A long and thin metal tool is passed through the skin into the tumor. The tip of the tool is then heated to provide thermal energy to kill the cancer cells.

Biliary bypass 

This is a procedure that creates a channel for the flow of bile around the tumor in the bile duct. This is accomplished by connecting the bile duct before the blockage to a section after the blockage, or by directly connecting the bile duct before the occlusion to the small intestine.

Photodynamic treatment 

A light-activated medication that accumulates in cancer cells is injected into a vein. A long, flexible tube with a specific laser light on the end is then introduced into the bile ducts. The light activates the medication, which destroys cancer cells.

Palliative chemotherapy 

Palliative chemotherapy aims to decrease the malignancy and alleviate cancer-related discomfort. This treatment is not intended to cure cancer, but it can enhance quality of life and help you live longer.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Approaches in Bile Duct Cancer Treatment

The rationale for integrating Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in cancer treatment, particularly for bile duct cancer, is multifaceted and reflects a growing interest in holistic and patient-centered healthcare approaches. This interest stems partly from the limitations inherent in conventional cancer treatments and the desire for therapies that encompass the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of patient care.

Limitations of Conventional Treatments: Conventional treatments for bile duct cancer, like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are often life-saving. However, they can also bring significant side effects and may not always address the broader impacts of cancer on a patient's quality of life. Issues such as fatigue, pain, emotional stress, and other side effects can profoundly affect patients' wellbeing. In some cases, conventional treatments may have limited efficacy, especially in advanced stages of bile duct cancer, leading patients and caregivers to seek additional options for care and symptom management.

Growing Interest in Holistic and Patient-Centered Approaches: There is an increasing recognition of the importance of treating the 'whole' patient rather than focusing solely on the disease. This holistic approach includes addressing mental and emotional health, nutritional needs, physical comfort, and overall wellbeing. CAM therapies, with their diverse range of practices such as herbal supplements, acupuncture, massage, and mindfulness techniques, offer avenues to support patients' overall health and quality of life. These therapies can be particularly appealing to those seeking to alleviate treatment side effects, reduce stress, and enhance general wellbeing.

Distinction between Complementary and Alternative Medicine:

  1. Complementary Medicine: This term refers to the use of CAM therapies alongside conventional medical treatments. The aim is not to replace standard medical care but to complement it, enhancing treatment effectiveness, alleviating symptoms, and improving quality of life. For example, a bile duct cancer patient might use acupuncture alongside chemotherapy to manage pain and reduce side effects.

  2. Alternative Medicine: In contrast, alternative medicine is used in place of conventional treatments. This approach is less common and more controversial, as it often involves forgoing standard, scientifically validated treatments in favor of CAM methods. An example would be a patient choosing herbal remedies exclusively to treat bile duct cancer.

Overview of CAM Categories:

  • Biologically Based Practices:

    • This category includes the use of substances found in nature, such as herbs, foods, and vitamins. It often involves dietary supplements or herbal medicines thought to have medicinal value.

    • In bile duct cancer, research might focus on how certain herbs or nutrients could potentially support liver function or complement chemotherapy.

  • Mind-Body Medicine:

    • These practices focus on the interactions among the brain, mind, body, and behavior to affect physical functioning and promote health. Examples include meditation, yoga, and relaxation techniques.

    • Patients with bile duct cancer may use mind-body techniques to reduce stress, alleviate treatment-related anxiety, and improve emotional well-being.

  • Manipulative and Body-Based Practices:

    • This category involves manipulation or movement of one or more parts of the body. Common forms include chiropractic and osteopathic manipulation, massage, and reflexology.

    • For a bile duct cancer patient, these practices might be used to alleviate pain, improve lymphatic drainage, or enhance overall physical comfort.

  • Energy Medicine:

    • Energy medicine involves the use of the body’s own energy.. It includes practices like acupuncture, reiki, qi gong, and therapeutic touch, which are believed to balance the body’s energy flow.

    • In the context of bile duct cancer, these modalities could be explored to address symptoms like fatigue and to promote a sense of well-being.

Understanding these categories and the distinction between complementary and alternative medicine is vital for patients considering CAM therapies for bile duct cancer.

Herbal Medicine:

  • Common Herbs and Supplements: There are various herbs and supplements purported to have benefits for cancer patients. In bile duct cancer, substances like milk thistle, turmeric (curcumin), and green tea have gained attention. Milk thistle is often used for its liver-protective effects, turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties, and green tea for its antioxidants. Yeah you can find out a great deal more about this in our main website.. 

  • Scientific Evidence and Ongoing Research: The efficacy of these herbs and supplements is a subject of ongoing research. For instance, curcumin has been studied for its potential anti-cancer effects and ability to enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy. However, it’s important to note that while there are promising results, more rigorous clinical trials are needed to establish their effectiveness and optimal usage in cancer therapy.

  • Dietary Approaches:

  • Anti-inflammatory Diets: These diets focus on foods that reduce inflammation in the body and are believed to potentially help in reducing cancer growth. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber are central to such diets. Examples include fatty fish, nuts, berries, and leafy greens.

  • Foods with Potential Anti-Cancer Properties: Some foods are specifically noted for their potential anti-cancer properties. For example, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts contain compounds that may have anti-cancer effects. Similarly, fruits rich in antioxidants, like berries, are considered beneficial.

  • Interactions with Conventional Treatments: It’s crucial to consider that herbs and supplements can interact with conventional cancer treatments. For instance, some herbs might interfere with the metabolism of chemotherapy drugs, either enhancing or diminishing their effectiveness. Patients should always discuss the use of any CAM therapies, including biologically based practices, with their healthcare provider.

Meditation and Mindfulness:

  • Techniques and Application in Cancer Care: Meditation and mindfulness techniques involve focused attention and awareness practices. In the context of cancer care, these practices can include guided imagery, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). These techniques are often used to help patients cope with the stress and anxiety associated with cancer diagnosis and treatment.

  • Benefits for Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-being: Numerous studies have shown that meditation and mindfulness can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression in cancer patients. They promote a sense of calm and help patients in managing the emotional challenges posed by their illness, thereby enhancing overall well-being.

  • Yoga and Tai Chi:

  • Physical Benefits and Improving Quality of Life: Yoga and Tai Chi combine physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. These practices are known to improve flexibility, balance, and strength. For bile duct cancer patients, they can be particularly beneficial in managing treatment side effects, reducing fatigue, and improving physical function.Research has shown that these practices can have a positive impact on the quality of life in cancer patients. They have been associated with improvements in sleep quality, physical functioning, and a reduction in symptoms related to cancer and its treatment.

  • Psychotherapy and Support Groups:

  • Emotional and Psychological Support: Psychotherapy, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and counseling, provides a space for patients to process their emotions and develop coping strategies. Support groups offer a community where patients can share experiences and challenges, providing mutual support and understanding. Engagement in psychotherapy and support groups has been linked to better emotional and psychological health in cancer patients. These resources help patients cope with the stress, fear, and uncertainty of cancer, potentially improving their overall treatment outcomes and quality of life.

Incorporating mind-body medicine practices into the treatment plan for bile duct cancer can provide substantial benefits in managing the physical and psychological aspects of the disease. These practices complement conventional medical treatments, addressing the holistic needs of the patient and enhancing their capacity to cope with the challenges of their cancer journey.

Manipulative and body-based practices:

  • Massage Therapy:

  • Types of Massage and Their Benefits: There are various types of massage therapy, each offering unique benefits. Swedish massage involves long, flowing strokes and can be deeply relaxing, helping to reduce stress and tension. Deep tissue massage targets deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, which can be beneficial for relieving chronic pain. Reflexology focuses on points in the hands and feet, aiming to improve energy flow and body function.

  • Considerations for Cancer Patients: While massage therapy can offer significant benefits, including improved relaxation, reduced pain, and enhanced mood, there are special considerations for cancer patients. It's important to use gentle techniques, as aggressive massage can be harmful. Therapists should be informed about the patient's specific condition and treatment history, including areas affected by surgery or radiation. Chiropractic Care:

  • Potential Benefits and Considerations: Chiropractic care involves spinal manipulation and is used primarily to relieve pain and improve function in the back, neck, and joints. It can help alleviate discomfort due to changes in posture or muscle tension resulting from cancer treatment. Chiropractic adjustments may not be suitable for all cancer patients, particularly those with bone metastasis or low bone density.

  • Applicability for Bile Duct Cancer Patients: For patients with bile duct cancer, chiropractic care may offer relief from pain and musculoskeletal issues. The cancer's impact on the liver and surrounding structures needs to be considered.

Incorporating manipulative and body-based practices like massage therapy and chiropractic care into a comprehensive treatment plan for bile duct cancer can offer additional support in managing symptoms and improving quality of life. However, these practices should always be used thoughtfully and under the guidance of healthcare professionals to ensure the utmost safety and benefit for the patient.

Energy Medicine


  • Use in Managing Cancer Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects: Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body, is increasingly used in oncology settings. It is particularly effective in managing a range of cancer-related symptoms and treatment side effects, including pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and stress. For bile duct cancer patients, who often undergo intense treatment regimens, acupuncture can offer significant relief from these debilitating side effects.

  • Evidence and Research on Efficacy: There is a growing body of research supporting the efficacy of acupuncture in cancer care. Clinical studies have demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, pain management, and improving overall quality of life. While more research is needed to fully understand its impact on cancer progression, the existing evidence positions acupuncture as a valuable adjunct therapy in cancer treatment.

Reiki and Healing Touch:

  • Understanding Energy-Based Healing: Reiki and Healing Touch are energy-based healing practices that involve the therapist using their hands to direct energy to promote healing in the patient’s body. Practitioners believe that this can help balance the body’s energy flow, thereby improving health and well-being. These practices are based on the concept that human beings have fields of energy that are interconnected and can be influenced to promote healing.

  • Case Studies and Patient Experiences: Anecdotal evidence and case studies suggest that patients undergoing cancer treatment, including those with bile duct cancer, may benefit from Reiki and Healing Touch. Patients often report feelings of deep relaxation and a reduction in stress and anxiety levels after these sessions. 

Incorporating energy medicine techniques like acupuncture, Reiki, and Healing Touch into the treatment plan for bile duct cancer can provide patients with additional tools to manage symptoms and improve their overall sense of well-being. As with all complementary therapies, these should be used in conjunction with conventional treatments and under the guidance of healthcare professionals to ensure safety and efficacy.

Integrating Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) into the treatment regimen for bile duct cancer requires careful coordination and planning. It involves a collaborative approach between patients, healthcare providers, and CAM practitioners. The integration aims to provide holistic care that addresses not just the physical aspects of the disease but also the emotional and psychological well-being of the patient.

Open and honest communication between patients and their healthcare providers is crucial when integrating CAM into cancer treatment. Patients should feel comfortable discussing their interest in CAM therapies and be open about any CAM treatments they are already using. This transparency ensures that healthcare providers can offer comprehensive advice, considering the potential interactions between CAM and conventional treatments.The goal is to find a therapeutic balance that maximizes the effectiveness of treatment while minimizing side effects and improving quality of life. Healthcare providers can help determine which CAM therapies might be most beneficial and how to safely integrate them into the overall treatment plan. This might involve coordinating with CAM practitioners and ensuring that all treatments are complementary rather than contradictory.

Every patient's journey with bile duct cancer is unique, and so too should be their CAM treatment plan. Factors such as the stage of cancer, the patient's overall health, treatment goals, and personal preferences should guide the selection of CAM therapies. A personalized approach ensures that the chosen CAM therapies align with the patient’s specific needs, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the treatment. The effectiveness of CAM therapies should be monitored, just like conventional treatments. This monitoring allows for adjustments to be made over time, depending on the patient’s response to the therapy and any changes in their condition. Regular evaluations with healthcare providers and CAM practitioners are essential to assess the benefits and any potential side effects of the CAM strategies being employed.

Integrating CAM into bile duct cancer treatment is a dynamic and patient-centered process. It requires coordination among all parties involved in the patient's care, ensuring that the approach is safe, effective, and responsive to the patient’s evolving needs. With the right balance and ongoing assessment, CAM can play a valuable role in supporting patients through their cancer treatment journey. 

Another area that anyone that is trying to be complete in addressing cancer will consider is the question of diet. There is a tremendous amount of research showing that diet substantially impacts who gets cancer and what outcomes there are to the treatment of cancer. Given that this is such a huge topicand that there is research that points in a multitude of directions , we would suggest that you go to our discussion elsewhere on the website. There we present the various perspectives that you'll want to consider and we'll talk about how to implement the perspectives that are most suited to you in a way that is reasonable and doable. We are sure that that will add considerably to your ability to impact your outcomes with cancer.


Treatment for bile duct carcinoma might be difficult and uncommon. The prognosis of this cancer improves significantly when discovered at earlier stages. For individuals who are more susceptible, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and choosing routine checkups are essential to prevention. Currently available treatments include radiation therapy or chemotherapy in addition to surgery. People with this ailment have additional alternatives and possibilities to enhance their quality of life and results thanks to recent advancements in diagnosis and therapy.

Notwithstanding the availability of numerous diagnostic techniques, the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma is still challenging. It is necessary to educate oneselves about the disease to take control of it. In order to relieve symptoms of cancer, medical personnel could provide palliative care. 

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10340362/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41575-019-0217-8 https://nutritionandmetabolism.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1743-7075-7-7 https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/types/bile-duct-cancer-cholangiocarcinoma https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6087799/ https://academic.oup.com/oncolo/article/9/1/80/6387876?login=false https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.3322/canjclin.49.6.362 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4332115/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7796337/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9498206/ https://www.cancer.gov/types/liver/bile-duct-cancer/diagnosis https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/cholangiocarcinoma/ https://www.cancer.gov/types/liver/bile-duct-cancer/stages https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/bile-duct-cancer/symptoms https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/bile-duct-cancer-cholangiocarcinoma