While we often hear most about cancers like breast, lung, prostate and colon, leukemia represents a significant cancer burden worldwide. Leukemia refers to malignancies of the blood and bone marrow marked by abnormal proliferation of white blood cells and their precursors. In 2020 alone, an estimated 437,033 cases of leukemia occurred globally, causing 309,006 deaths. Taken together, leukemias account for nearly 4% of all new cancer cases and cancer-related deaths worldwide each year.

Among children, leukemias sadly represent the most common cancer type, making up over 30% of all childhood malignancies. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) alone accounts for approximately 80% of all leukemias among children. Adults over age 55 continue to face the highest risk of developing acute and chronic leukemias.

Geographically, developed countries in North America, Europe and Oceania bear the majority of new leukemia cases, likely related to detection practices and aging populations. However, access to optimal treatments remains a challenge in low to middle income regions, leading to higher mortality rates. As life expectancies increase globally, the burden of leukemias affecting aging adults is projected to rise worldwide.

Despite improvements in treatments, one-third of those diagnosed with the acute leukemias will not survive five years post-diagnosis. Chronic leukemias have higher five-year survival rates, but require difficult long-term treatments. Thus, while advances have been made, there remains an urgent need to deepen our understanding of leukemia's causes, improve early detection, develop new therapeutic strategies, and widen access to life-saving treatments. Only through research can we continue progress against these all-too-common blood cancers.


Executive Summary

  • Leukemia Overview: Leukemia is a group of blood cancers originating in the bone marrow, characterized by the uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal white blood cells. It's a significant global health issue, accounting for about 4% of all new cancer cases and cancer-related deaths worldwide annually.

  • Types of Leukemia: There are four main types of leukemia, categorized based on the speed of progression (acute or chronic) and the type of blood cells affected (lymphoid or myeloid). The main types are Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML).

  • Causes and Risk Factors: While the exact causes of leukemia are not fully understood, several risk factors have been identified. These include genetic predisposition, exposure to high levels of radiation, certain chemical exposures (like benzene), smoking, and some viral infections. Age is also a significant factor, with some types more common in children and others in older adults.

  • Symptoms: Common symptoms of leukemia include fatigue, frequent infections, easy bruising or bleeding, bone pain, and swollen lymph nodes. However, these symptoms can be vague and may mimic other conditions, making early diagnosis challenging.

  • Diagnosis: Leukemia is typically diagnosed through a combination of blood tests, bone marrow biopsy, and genetic testing. Flow cytometry and cytogenetic analysis are crucial in determining the specific type of leukemia and its genetic characteristics, which guide treatment decisions.

  • Treatment Approaches: Treatment for leukemia has evolved significantly over the years. Standard treatments include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and stem cell transplantation. More recent advancements include targeted therapies (like tyrosine kinase inhibitors for CML) and immunotherapies (such as CAR T-cell therapy for certain types of ALL).

  • Chemotherapy: This remains a cornerstone of leukemia treatment. Different combinations of drugs are used depending on the type of leukemia and patient factors. For example, the "7+3" regimen (7 days of cytarabine and 3 days of an anthracycline) is standard for AML induction therapy.

  • Stem Cell Transplantation: This procedure can be potentially curative for some types of leukemia. It involves high-dose chemotherapy followed by infusion of healthy stem cells, which can be from the patient (autologous) or a donor (allogeneic).

  • Targeted Therapies: These drugs target specific genetic abnormalities in leukemia cells. The most famous example is imatinib for CML, which targets the BCR-ABL fusion protein. Similar drugs have been developed for other genetic mutations found in leukemia.

  • Immunotherapy: This emerging field includes monoclonal antibodies, bispecific T-cell engagers, and CAR T-cell therapy. CAR T-cell therapy, where a patient's T-cells are genetically modified to target leukemia cells, has shown remarkable results in some forms of relapsed or refractory ALL.

  • Supportive Care: Managing the side effects of leukemia and its treatment is crucial. This includes preventing and treating infections, providing blood transfusions, managing pain, and offering psychological support.

  • Monitoring and Follow-up: After initial treatment, patients require close monitoring for relapse. This includes regular blood tests and sometimes bone marrow biopsies. Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) testing is increasingly used to detect very low levels of remaining leukemia cells.

  • Long-term Effects: Survivors of leukemia may face long-term or late effects from their treatment, including risks of secondary cancers, organ damage, and fertility issues. Ongoing research aims to minimize these risks while maintaining treatment efficacy.

  • Research and Future Directions: Current research focuses on developing more targeted therapies, improving immunotherapies, and understanding the genetic basis of leukemia to enable personalized treatment approaches. There's also a focus on reducing treatment toxicity and improving quality of life for survivors.

  • Prognosis: Survival rates for leukemia have improved dramatically over the past few decades, particularly for childhood ALL. However, outcomes vary widely depending on the type of leukemia, patient age, and specific genetic characteristics of the disease.

Background on Leukemia

Leukemia refers to cancers that begin in the blood and bone marrow, the spongy tissues inside bones where our blood cell components are produced. Specifically, leukemia results when young, immature white blood cells called blasts become malignant and multiply uncontrollably.

In our bone marrow, hematopoietic stem cells normally differentiate into lymphoid or myeloid progenitor cells that ultimately give rise to diverse, mature blood cell types like lymphocytes, granulocytes, monocytes, and erythrocytes. The entire process is tightly coordinated.

In leukemia, genetic changes disrupt normal blood cell development, causing early lymphoid or myeloid progenitor cells to proliferate excessively and fail to properly mature. These immature leukemia cells, or blasts, accumulate in the bone marrow, spill out into the bloodstream, and can spread to other organs like the lymph nodes, spleen and liver.

By crowding out normal blood cell formation, leukemias lead to dangerously low levels of healthy red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Symptoms result from inability to carry oxygen, fight infection, and control bleeding. Without treatment, leukemias typically progress rapidly.

Understanding leukemia requires insight into normal hematopoiesis. Unraveling how genetic lesions abnormalities transform the tightly regulated process of blood cell generation provides clues to targeted therapies.

The primary aim of this paper is to provide an accessible overview of leukemia for the interested reader that covers:

  • Defining leukemia - What exactly is this blood cancer and how does it arise? We will explore leukemia starting from normal blood development gone awry.

  • Causes and risk factors - What triggers the genetic and cellular changes leading to leukemia? We will examine established genetic abnormalities and environmental contributors.

  • Signs, symptoms, and diagnosis - What alerts doctors to possible leukemia, and how is it definitively diagnosed? We will detail standard clinical evaluation and testing approaches.

  • Leukemia types - What are the major categories and subtypes of leukemias? We will profile the most common forms like acute lymphocytic leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia.

  • Treatments - How is leukemia treated based on type, genetics, and disease stage? We will summarize standard chemotherapy, targeted therapy, transplant, immunotherapy and supportive care options.

  • Living with leukemia - What is the experience like for patients during and after treatment? We will discuss survivorship challenges like side effects and support resources.

  • Outlook - What do statistics show regarding remission and cure rates, and what is the future outlook with current research? We will focus on reasons for hope while acknowledging areas for continued progress.

The overarching goal is providing readers with a thorough grounding in leukemia - conveying the biology while focusing on what patients and loved ones most need to understand about this disease from diagnosis, to treatment, to life after cancer.

What is Leukemia?

Leukemia refers to any malignant cancer that originates in the early cells of the blood-forming hematopoietic system. Specifically, leukemia begins when an immature lymphoid or myeloid progenitor cell in the bone marrow acquires genetic abnormalities that cause it to proliferate excessively and fail to properly mature. This generates a clonal population of abnormal white blood cells called leukemic blasts that crowd out normal blood development.

In healthy bone marrow, multipotent hematopoietic stem cells give rise to both lymphoid and myeloid progenitor cells that ultimately generate all the diverse, mature blood cell types. Lymphoid progenitors develop into immune cells like T cells and B cells, while myeloid progenitors give rise to red blood cells, platelets, and myeloid white cells like granulocytes and monocytes.

Leukemia can arise when genetic alterations transform either lymphoid or myeloid progenitors, or in some rarer cases, the hematopoietic stem cells themselves. These mutant progenitor cells lose the ability to normally differentiate and rampantly proliferate as clonal leukemic blasts. This accumulation of immature leukemia cells interferes with normal hematopoiesis, devastating normal blood cell counts. Without treatment, most leukemias aggressively and rapidly progress.

So in essence, leukemia refers to blood cancers that subvert normal blood cell development by transforming progenitor cells into self-replicating leukemic blast cells that fail to properly mature and overwhelm the bone marrow. Understanding the distinct categories of leukemias is key to appropriate diagnosis and management.

Leukemias are first broadly categorized by how quickly the cancerous cells proliferate and progress, either acutely or chronically:

Major Leukemia Types

Acute leukemias

These rapidly progressing leukemias are marked by a proliferation of immature blasts that do not mature properly. Symptoms worsen quickly over weeks to months without treatment. Examples are acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Lymphoid leukemias

These leukemias arise from lymphoid progenitors destined to form lymphocytes like T cells and B cells. Examples are ALL which arises from immature lymphocytes, and CLL which involves mature lymphocytes.

Chronic leukemias

These slower progressing leukemias involve increased numbers of more mature looking leukemia cells that allow adequate function in early stages. Symptoms develop gradually over months to years. Examples include chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

Leukemias are also categorized by the type of hematopoietic cell lineage involved, either lymphoid or myeloid:

Myeloid leukemias

These leukemias develop from myeloid progenitor cells that give rise to granulocytes, monocytes, erythrocytes and platelets. Examples include AML involving myeloid blast cells and CML affecting mature granulocytes.

Classifying leukemias by cell lineage and rate of progression guides prognosis and treatment. Additional distinctions are made based on genetics and immunophenotype. Understanding the broad categories is the first step to appropriate diagnosis.

Normal Hematopoiesis

Hematopoiesis refers to the tightly regulated process through which all the diverse types of blood cells in our body are continuously generated from hematopoietic stem cells. This complex developmental program occurs primarily in the bone marrow.

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have the unique capacity for both self-renewal to maintain the stem cell pool and differentiation to produce progenitor cells committed to form specific blood cell lineages.

The first major branch point is the generation of either common lymphoid progenitors or common myeloid progenitors from HSCs. Common lymphoid progenitors give rise to T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells. Common myeloid progenitors develop into megakaryocytes/platelets, erythrocytes, granulocytes like neutrophils, and monocytes.

Progenitors undergo a step-wise maturation process including proliferation and differentiation into fully functional, mature blood cells that get released into circulation. These differentiate cells have limited life-spans, hence the need for constant replenishment from the HSCs.

Growth factors like erythropoietin and thrombopoietin signal back to HSCs and progenitors to regulate the output of specific blood cell lineages based on physiological needs. Additional differentiation cues come from the bone marrow microenvironment.

In summary, hematopoiesis involves carefully controlled proliferation and step-wise maturation of HSCs and progenitors yielding the full array of blood cells that play critical roles in oxygen delivery, immunity, hemostasis, and more. Understanding normal hematopoiesis provides context on how the process goes awry in leukemia.

How Leukemias Arise

Leukemias originate when hematopoietic stem or early progenitor cells in the bone marrow acquire genetic and epigenetic changes that impair normal blood cell development. These changes lead to uncontrolled proliferation and blocked maturation.

Various chromosomal abnormalities and mutations have been identified. For example, a translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 causes the “Philadelphia chromosome” associated with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). This produces a fused gene called BCR-ABL with uncontrolled tyrosine kinase activity that drives abnormal cell growth.

Other examples include mutations in tumor suppressor genes like TP53, deletions/mutations of genes regulating development like IKZF1, and amplification of oncogenes like MYC. Environmental exposures are additional factors.

As these genetic hits accumulate in a hematopoietic stem or progenitor cell, they gain advantages allowing their clonal outgrowth through mechanisms like:

  • Increased proliferative signaling

  • Resistance to cell death

  • Blocks in differentiation

  • Alterations in cell adhesion molecules

This leads to accumulation of abnormally high numbers of immature leukemia blast cells in the bone marrow and blood. They interfere with normal blood cell counts and functions.

Leukemic blasts fail to properly mature due to problems like inhibited expression of developmental genes. For example, blocked G-CSF receptor signaling impedes granulocyte differentiation in AML.

Understanding how diverse genetic lesions rewire signaling and developmental pathways to transform hematopoietic cells provides biological insights key to developing targeted therapies.

Genetic Mutations

Acquired genetic abnormalities are a major contributor to pathogenesis of leukemia. Different leukemias have signature chromosomal aberrations and gene mutations involved in their initiation and progression.

Chromosomal Translocations - Errors during cell division can lead to chromosomal translocations, where segments of chromosomes become errantly fused or exchanged. Fusion genes created at the breakpoint can drive leukemia.

Examples include the BCR-ABL fusion gene from the Philadelphia chromosome translocation t(9;22) found in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), and translocation t(12;21) forming the TEL-AML1 fusion gene in some acute lymphoblastic leukemias (ALL).

Chromosomal Deletions - Loss of chromosomal regions through deletions is another common lesion. Deletions of tumor suppressor genes like TP53, RB1 and genes regulating development like PAX5 promote leukemogenesis.

Gene Mutations - Point mutations affecting key genes also contribute. Activating mutations in oncogenes like RAS, FLT3, and JAK2 promote proliferation. Mutations in NPM1, CEBPA, RUNX1, and other developmental genes block differentiation.

Tumor suppressor gene mutations like those in TP53 accumulate during leukemogenesis. Inherited mutations increase risk. Environmental exposures likely contribute to acquired mutations.

Understanding the spectrum of genetic abnormalities provides biological insights and guides targeted therapy matching the specific lesions driving a patient’s leukemia.

Environmental and Lifestyle Risk Factors

In addition to genetic factors, environmental exposures and lifestyle behaviors likely play a role in some leukemias. These may act directly as mutagens or through secondary effects on immunity.

Ionizing Radiation

High dose radiation from sources like nuclear accidents or medical imaging has definitive links to increased leukemia risk. The threat is highest with childhood exposure when hematopoietic cells are still developing.


Smoking modestly increases risk, especially for acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Tobacco smoke contains leukemia-provoking agents like benzene and may indirectly damage immunity.

Chemical Exposures

Benzene, an organic solvent used industrially, is a known leukemogen through its DNA damaging effects. Chemotherapy drugs also heighten risk. Other chemicals like pesticides and tobacco smoke may contribute.


Retroviruses like human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV1) can cause rare leukemias through insertional mutagenesis disrupting gene function. Epstein-Barr virus may play a role in childhood ALL.


Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a retrovirus that can cause a rare type of T-cell leukemia. Areas with high prevalence include Japan, Caribbean, South America, and Africa.

  • HTLV-1 insertional mutagenesis disrupts gene transcription and alters epigenetic programming over time indirectly.

  • The viral Tax protein interacts with many cell cycle and growth factor pathways, driving activation and proliferation of infected T-cells.

  • Only a small subset of infected people develop leukemia, indicating other cofactors are likely involved such as genetic predisposition.


Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with various B-cell lymphomas but also increases risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

  • EBV immortalizes B cells latently infected, allowing some to acquire mutations leading to malignant transformation.

  • EBV gene products drive proliferation of infected B cells and interact with pathways controlling apoptosis and differentiation.

  • Other cofactors required for leukemogenesis in those with latent EBV infection are not fully clear.

In summary, certain viruses like HTLV-1 and EBV contribute to leukemia through indirect effects on gene expression and cell growth pathways over years versus direct mutagenesis. Their oncogenic mechanisms continue to be actively investigated to understand leukemia risks.

Overall, while most leukemias arise sporadically through acquired genetic changes, limiting exposures to potential environmental triggers may reduce risks. Lifestyle factors like avoiding tobacco use are advised. More research is elucidating gene-environment interactions.

Some environmental and lifestyle-related risk factors may contribute to leukemia by modulating cellular metabolism or metabolic repair pathways:

  • Ionizing radiation can directly damage mitochondria and impair oxidative phosphorylation, forcing compensatory increases in glycolysis. This replicative stress coupled with enhanced ROS from damaged mitochondria creates genomic instability.

  • Chemical toxin exposures like benzene may heighten ROS production through effects on redox pathways and depletion of glutathione, compromising the cell's ability to mitigate oxidative damage to DNA.

  • Viral infections can alter metabolic signaling through effects on pathways like PI3K/Akt/mTOR to reprogram cells towards more proliferative anabolic metabolism that enables transformation.

  • Inflammation associated with obesity and autoimmunity can blunt cellular respiration through mitochondrial damage and inhibitory signaling cascades. This may necessitate compensatory metabolic shifts towards glycolysis or glutaminolysis.

  • Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide which diminishes oxygen availability, potentially driving hypoxia-induced signaling that alters glucose and lipid metabolism.

The mechanisms linking these exposures to leukemogenesis likely involve intermediate effects on cellular metabolism and pathways defending against genomic damage, in addition to any direct mutagenic effects.

Common Leukemia Symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms that may lead to a leukemia diagnosis include:


Most patients experience severe fatigue and weakness resulting from anemia due to reduced normal red blood cells. Even minor activities may become exhausting.

Bone Pain

Some patients experience throbbing bone pain resulting from expansion of the abnormal leukemia cells within the bone marrow cavity.

Other Symptoms

Other non-specific symptoms like appetite changes, nausea, vomiting, night sweats, and headaches may also occur but are not as consistently seen. Recognizing the common symptom patterns helps prompt evaluation.


Leukemia impairs the normal white blood cells critical for immune function. Patients may present with recurrent or severe bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.

Enlarged Lymph Nodes

Lymphadenopathy due to infiltration and expansion of leukemia cells in the lymph nodes may be observed, especially in lymphoid leukemias.

Abnormal Bleeding

Shortages of platelets due to crowded out production in the bone marrow lead to easy bruising, frequent nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and heavier menstrual bleeding.

Enlarged Spleen/Liver

The spleen and liver often become enlarged and tender from infiltration by circulating leukemia cells. This can lead to abdominal discomfort.

Blood Tests

Routine complete blood counts (CBCs) are typically the first test indications of leukemia. Findings may include:

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

The complete blood count measures levels of the different types of cells in the blood. In leukemia, key findings may include:

  • Low hemoglobin/hematocrit indicating anemia from reduced red blood cells. A dramatic drop may signal extensive replacement of marrow.

  • Low white blood cell count from bone marrow infiltration. However, sometimes white counts are high from excess leukemia cells spilling into circulation.

  • Platelets count reduced as their production is suppressed. Risk of dangerous bleeding corresponds to the degree of thrombocytopenia.

  • Blasts, immature white blood cells not normally present, are found circulating. Counts greater than 5% are concerning.

  • Abnormal cells with irregular sizes, shapes, and staining patterns indicative of immaturity.

Flow Cytometry

Flow cytometry characterizes cells using antibodies targeting specific cell surface antigens. It can identify leukemic cells by:

  • Determining cell lineage based on lymphoid or myeloid markers

  • Assessing abnormal patterns of maturation using markers like CD34, HLA-DR, CD38

  • Detecting aberrant antigen expression profiles compared to normal

  • Quantifying the fraction of cells displaying leukemia-associated immunophenotypes

  • Identifying unique leukemia markers like MPL and BCR-ABL

Morphology Review

A hematopathologist microscopically examines blood smears and bone marrow aspirates. Findings include:

  • Irregular nuclear shape, size, chromatin patterns

  • Increase in blasts

  • Dysplasia in one or more cell lines

  • Cytochemical stains help classify myeloid cells

This information is synthesized for definitive leukemia diagnosis and classification to guide appropriate treatment.

Bown Marrow Biopsy

A bone marrow biopsy involves aspirating liquid marrow and obtaining a core biopsy sample for microscopic analysis. It provides critical information:

  • Estimates the degree of marrow involvement by leukemia, either a hypercellular marrow or marrow replaced by fibrosis or leukemia cells

  • Confirms the presence of increased blast cells

  • Assesses for cytogenetic and molecular genetic abnormalities

  • Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry identifies cell lineage and leukemia markers

  • Cytochemical stains help classify cases as myeloid or lymphoid

  • Morphologic assessment identifies dysplasia and features like Auer rods in myeloid leukemias

Bone marrow biopsy guides leukemia classification into subtypes, predicts prognosis, and monitors for minimal residual disease after treatment.

Aspiration sites are typically the sternum or large bones of the hip using local anesthesia. Pain and bleeding are common but usually transient side effects. An alternative is sampling peripheral blood if marrow aspirates are difficult to obtain.

Integrating biopsy findings with blood counts and smears makes a definitive diagnosis. Repeat biopsies may be needed during treatment or if disease progression is suspected.

  • Anemia - Low hematocrit/hemoglobin from reduced red blood cells.

  • Neutropenia/leukopenia - Decreased neutrophils or total white blood cells from bone marrow infiltration.

  • Thrombocytopenia - Low platelet count since production is crowded out.

  • Blasts - Increased immature white cells called blasts detected.

  • Abnormal cells - Irregular morphology and staining patterns of cells.

Additional blood test evaluations aid diagnosis:

  • Manual differential - Microscopic examination by a hematopathologist analyzes cell morphology.

  • Flow cytometry - Uses antibodies to characterize lineage and aberrant immunophenotypes indicating leukemic cells.

  • Cytochemical stains - Enzyme stains help identify myeloid cell types and dysplasia.

These blood analyses determine lineage (myeloid or lymphoid), stage of maturation, and point to a definitive leukemia diagnosis. Blood monitoring is important during treatment.

Genetic Testing

In addition to blood, bone marrow, and genetic tests, imaging is used to assess leukemia involvement in organs. Common modalities include:

Computed Tomography (CT) Scans

  • CT provides detailed cross-sectional x-ray images throughout the body.

  • Helps detect organomegaly (enlarged spleen, liver, lymph nodes) indicative of infiltrative leukemia.

  • Assesses abdominal lymphadenopathy and retroperitoneal lymph node involvement.

  • Can identify compromised bone structure and stability.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scans

  • PET combined with CT visualizes metabolic activity suggesting tumor presence.

  • Useful for distinguishing between fibrosis or active leukemia in residual masses after treatment.

  • Can identify metabolically active disease in normal-appearing areas on CT.

  • Provides whole body perspective to search for occult disease.


  • Ultrasound is useful for assessing spleen and liver architecture and size.

  • Helps guide optimal sites for bone marrow biopsy.

Imaging indicates extent of disease, guides biopsy sites, and monitors treatment response systemically. Radiation exposure risk is weighed against benefit. The radiation dose from a single chest CT scan is approximately 70 times higher than from a plain chest X-ray image. This is why CT scans are only used when the clinical information gained outweighs any tiny theoretical risk. X-rays or other imaging modalities like MRI or ultrasound are preferred when they can give the same useful information with less or no ionizing radiation.

Image Testing

Cytogenetics (Karyotype)

  • Chromosomal analysis examines leukemic cells for structural and numerical abnormalities.

  • Recurrent translocations like t(9;22) in CML, t(15;17) in APL, and others confirm diagnoses.

  • Complex karyotypes portend poorer prognosis.


  • Fluorescence in situ hybridization uses DNA probes to detect specific chromosomal aberrations like BCR-ABL fusion.

  • Helps identify cryptic rearrangements not seen on karyotype.

Molecular Testing

  • PCR-based assays identify known oncogenic mutations like FLT3, RAS, JAK2, NPM1.

  • Next generation sequencing panels screen multiple genes for various mutations.

  • Helps detect minimal residual disease after therapy by deep sequencing.

These tests classify leukemia subtypes, guide targeted therapy, assess prognosis, and monitor minimal residual disease. Genetic changes identify candidates for experimental treatments. Serial testing is important to detect new mutations and clonal evolution.

Acute Leukemias

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

  • ALL arises from malignant transformation of lymphoid progenitor cells, most commonly B-cell progenitors.

  • It progresses rapidly and requires prompt treatment. ALL primarily affects children and younger adults.

  • Symptoms include fatigue, bleeding, bone pain, and recurrent infections. Enlarged lymph nodes, liver, spleen often occur.

  • Blood shows decreased normal cells and increased lymphoblasts. Diagnosis involves bone marrow examination.

  • Subtypes include B-ALL and T-ALL. The BCR-ABL fusion gene identifies Philadelphia chromosome positive ALL.

  • Treatment involves intensive multi-agent chemotherapy regimens and may also include stem cell transplant, radiation, or targeted therapy.

Rarer Leukemia Subtypes

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

  • AML starts from myeloid progenitors and clonal expansion of immature myeloblasts. It quickly progresses if untreated.

  • Most cases occur in adults over age 60, but AML occasionally affects younger adults and children.

  • Symptoms are similar to ALL - fatigue, bleeding, infections, and organomegaly. Some patients have bone pain or skin infiltrates.

  • Blood shows cytopenias and increased myeloblasts. Bone marrow exam confirms the diagnosis.

  • Many subtypes exist, defined by genetic abnormalities. Common treatments include chemotherapy like cytarabine plus an anthracycline.

Hairy Cell Leukemia

  • Rare type accounting for about 2% of leukemias. More common in middle-aged men.

  • Named for the hair-like projections seen on the abnormal B cells under the microscope.

  • Often involves low blood counts, enlarged spleen, and recurrent infections.

  • Viable cells have characteristic markers (CD11c, CD25, CD103).

  • Treated with chemotherapy like cladribine or pentostatin. Remissions are common but relapse can occur.

T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia

  • Very rare and aggressive leukemia derived from post-thymic T cells.

  • Often occurs in older adults and clinically progresses more slowly than other acute leukemias.

  • Symptoms may include enlarged spleen, lymph nodes, and skin lesions.

  • Diagnosis is made by identifying abnormal T-cell morphology and immunophenotype.

  • Treatment may involve chemotherapy regimens or alemtuzumab, but prognosis remains poor overall.

Other Rare Leukemias

  • Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm

  • Acute undifferentiated leukemia

  • Mixed phenotype acute leukemia (myeloid and lymphoid markers)

Chemotherapy for Leukemia


Chemotherapy forms the backbone of treatment for most leukemia subtypes. However, regimens are tailored based on factors like leukemia cell lineage, disease aggressiveness, and risk stratification. Chemotherapy drugs exploit differences between rapidly dividing cancer cells and healthier cells to induce cancer cell death. Commonly used agents include:

Chemotherapy for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

The treatment of ALL involves multiple phases of intensive combination chemotherapy typically lasting 2-3 years in total. This multipronged approach is aimed at eliminating any residual leukemia cells and preventing relapse. Common drugs used in various protocols include:

  • Vincristine - Vinca alkaloid that disrupts microtubule function, arresting mitosis.

  • Corticosteroids like prednisone or dexamethasone - Induce apoptosis in lymphocytes and suppress immune responses.

  • Anthracyclines like doxorubicin - Intercalate DNA, generate reactive oxygen species to damage cancer cell DNA.

  • Cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide - Alkylating agents that disrupt DNA synthesis and cause crosslinking.

  • Cytarabine - Analog of cytosine that interferes with DNA polymerase and inhibits DNA synthesis.

  • 6-mercaptopurine - Purine analog that gets incorporated into DNA and RNA, triggering apoptosis.

  • Methotrexate - Inhibits dihydrofolate reductase, thereby blocking purine and pyrimidine synthesis needed for DNA replication.

  • Asparaginase - Depletes circulating asparagine, which ALL cells require for protein synthesis.

The exact combinations and treatment phases are tailored based on risk classification. Central nervous system directed chemotherapy with methotrexate or cytarabine prevents relapse in the brain. Doses are gradually tapered over time to avoid overly suppressing the recovering bone marrow.

Chemotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia

The standard initial chemotherapy regimen for AML induction is referred to as "7+3", which uses two classes of drugs together:

  • An anthracycline drug, typically daunorubicin or sometimes idarubicin, given for the first 3 days. Anthracyclines like daunorubicin work by intercalating DNA and generating reactive oxygen species that damage cancer cell DNA.

  • Cytarabine given as a continuous IV infusion for 7 days. Cytarabine is a nucleoside analog that inhibits DNA polymerase and gets incorporated into the DNA strand, triggering apoptosis.

This 7+3 chemotherapy combo aims to produce a rapid and complete remission by aggressively targeting and destroying the bulk of leukemic cells. However, it does not eliminate all leukemia stem cells.

After recovery from the initial 7+3 induction, patients undergo 1-2 cycles of consolidation chemotherapy, often with intermediate or high-dose cytarabine. This helps eliminate any residual leukemia cells and extend remission.

For eligible patients with high-risk AML, an allogeneic stem cell transplant may be recommended following chemotherapy. This allows for immune-mediated elimination of any remaining leukemia cells and helps prevent relapse.

The 7+3 regimen has been the standard induction chemotherapy for AML for decades, but newer regimens adding other agents are being studied to improve efficacy and reduce toxicity.

Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Prior to the targeted therapy revolution, conventional chemotherapy agents like busulfan and hydroxyurea formed the backbone of treating chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).

Busulfan is an alkylating agent that causes DNA crosslinking and strand breakage, triggering cancer cell apoptosis. Hydroxyurea inhibits ribonucleotide reductase to block DNA synthesis and induce cell cycle arrest. These drugs helped control CML disease progression and symptoms before better options emerged.

The development of imatinib in the late 1990s completely transformed the treatment of CML. Imatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that specifically targets the BCR-ABL fusion protein that drives unrestrained growth signaling in CML cells.

Imatinib binds to and inhibits the aberrant BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase activity. This halts the growth-promoting signaling cascades induced by the oncoprotein. Imatinib induces apoptosis and eliminates the majority of CML cells, often leading to extremely deep clinical remissions.

Second and third generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors like nilotinib, dasatinib and bosutinib have since been introduced and show even greater potency against BCR-ABL. These targeted drugs now form the backbone of treating CML.

Chemotherapy may still be used in advanced phase CML, especially when TKI resistance mutations emerge. Allogeneic stem cell transplant also remains an option for eligible high-risk patients. But TKIs have greatly improved long-term prognosis for most CML cases.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

While chronic leukemias like CLL may be observed initially, chemotherapy is eventually required for disease progression. Regimens like fludarabine and cyclophosphamide with or without rituximab are commonly used. Bendamustine and chlorambucil are other options.

Careful monitoring, support with transfusions and growth factors, and infection prevention help patients tolerate intense chemotherapy regimens. Continued research aims to expand chemotherapy-free options.

Additional details on the evolution of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) treatment over the past couple decades:

  • Prior to imatinib, interferon alpha was also sometimes used in CML. It helped induce cytogenetic remissions in some patients by immune-mediated anti-tumor effects. However, toxicity and loss of benefit over time limited its use.

  • Imatinib was initially tested in CML patients who had failed interferon therapy. In one key early trial, it induced major cytogenetic responses in 60% of chronic phase patients. This exceptional response rate led to rapid approval.

  • Second generation TKIs nilotinib and dasatinib were developed to target mutated forms of BCR-ABL that can cause imatinib resistance. Both show higher potency and can induce remissions in many imatinib-resistant cases.

  • Third generation TKI ponatinib was specifically designed to target the problematic T315I mutation in BCR-ABL that confers resistance. It provides a vital option for these patients.

  • TKIs like imatinib work best during the initial chronic phase of CML. New agents like asciminib may have an advantage controlling advanced phase disease.

  • Discontinuation trials show some CML patients can successfully stop TKI therapy after several years of deep remission. Regular monitoring is critical to detect potential relapse.

  • Optimal dose and scheduling of TKIs continues to be studied to balance efficacy and side effects. Intermittent dosing shows promise.

Stem Cell Transplantation

Stem cell transplant (SCT) aims to rescue the bone marrow after high-dose chemotherapy. Healthy stem cells repopulate the blood and marrow systems. Types include:

  • Autologous SCT - The patient's own stem cells are collected prior to intensive chemotherapy, then reinfused after treatment. No risk of graft-versus-host disease.

  • Allogeneic SCT - Stem cells come from a matched donor, either related or matched unrelated. Provides graft-versus-leukemia immune effect but higher toxicity risk.

Stem Cell Sources:

  • Peripheral blood stem cells mobilized into circulation using growth factors like G-CSF. Most common source currently.

  • Bone marrow harvest - Marrow stem cells collected via aspirations from the hip bone. Used less now.

  • Umbilical cord blood - Banked cord blood also offers a stem cell source for pediatric leukemia patients.

The procedure first involves high-dose chemotherapy with or without radiation to eradicate leukemia cells. After, collected stem cells are infused intravenously and migrate into bone marrow niches. Growth factors speed blood count recovery.

SCT is associated with high treatment-related mortality, especially with allogeneic sources, so patients are carefully selected. It offers curative potential for high-risk or relapsed leukemia cases.


Monoclonal Antibodies

Antibodies that target specific surface proteins on leukemia cells can direct immune destruction. Examples include:

  • Rituximab - Anti-CD20 antibody used in certain B-cell leukemias like chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

  • Alemtuzumab - Anti-CD52 antibody used primarily in T-cell leukemias like T-PLL.

  • Epratuzumab - Targets CD22 protein on B cells. Being studied in ALL and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

  • Gemtuzumab ozogamicin - Anti-CD33 antibody conjugated to a cytotoxic compound for acute myeloid leukemia.

Bispecific antibody immunotherapy is an exciting newer approach to activate cytotoxic leukocytes against leukemia cells. Ongoing research aims to expand activity beyond ALL to other leukemia subtypes. Managing side effects also remains a focus.

Bispecific Antibodies for Leukemia

Bispecific antibodies are engineered proteins that contain binding sites for two different target antigens. In leukemia, they aim to link malignant cells with immune cells to drive anti-tumor immunity.


  • Anti-CD20 x anti-CD3 bispecific antibody recently studied in relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

  • 76% overall response rate with 24% complete remissions reported in early phase 1 trial. Cytokine release syndrome observed.


  • Bispecific T-cell engager (BiTE®) antibody that binds CD19 on B cells and CD3 on cytotoxic T cells.

  • Approved to treat relapsed/refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Response rates around 80%.

  • Works by activating and recruiting T cells to attack the cancer B cells. Cytokine release syndrome is a common side effect.


  • Bispecific antibody targeting CD19 and CD16A to engage natural killer cells against B cell malignancies.

  • Early studies suggest acceptable safety and signs of efficacy in recurrent non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Also being studied in ALL.

CAR T-cell Therapy for Leukemia

CAR T-cell therapy represents a revolutionary immunotherapy approach that has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in certain advanced B cell leukemias and lymphomas. However, there remains much to elucidate regarding optimizing this intricate technology. Ongoing research aims to expand its reach across a broader spectrum of hematologic malignancies and improve its safety and durability.

Overview of Approach

CAR T-cell therapy involves genetically engineering a patient’s own T cells to express a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) that recognizes a specific surface antigen on cancer cells. Common targets on B cells include CD19, CD20, and BCMA. When the CAR binds its cognate antigen on a leukemia or lymphoma cell, it activates the T cell to proliferate and kills the bound cancer cell through cytotoxic mechanisms.

To generate the CAR T cells, patient blood is obtained via apheresis. T cells are isolated and genetically transduced using a viral vector to introduce the CAR. Cells are expanded ex vivo to amplify T cell numbers. The final product is then infused back into the patient where the engineered CAR T cells proliferate in vivo upon encountering their target antigen.

Managing Toxicities

While highly efficacious, CAR T therapy also carries substantial toxicities requiring close monitoring and management. Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) occurs when massive cytokine elevations cause fever, hypotension, hypoxia, and other systemic inflammatory symptoms. CRS can be severe and require ICU support, but is reversible with interleukin-6 blocking agents like tocilizumab.

Neurologic adverse effects include encephalopathy, seizures, and cerebral edema. These neurotoxicities frequently resolve with corticosteroids, but fatal cases have occurred. Other reported adverse effects include cytopenias, infections, and hypogammaglobulinemia. Fatalities due to CRS, neurotoxicity or other toxic effects emphasize the high-risk nature of this therapy.

Efficacy in Leukemia and Lymphoma

In 2017, the CD19-targeting CAR T-cell therapy tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah) became the first approved in pediatric and young adult B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). It has induced complete remission rates of 50-90% in relapsed/refractory B-ALL where previous therapies had dismal outcomes. Durable responses are seen in many patients. Similar high activity has been demonstrated in diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL).

Since the initial approvals, additional CD19-targeting CAR T products like lisocabtagene maraleucel (Breyanzi) and axicabtagene ciloleucel (Yescarta) have been approved in certain lymphomas. Hundreds of trials are underway exploring CAR T-cells in other hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. Combinations with other therapies are also being studied to improve durability of responses.

Optimizing CAR Design and Targets

Beyond CD19, additional CAR T-cell targets are being evaluated to broaden eligibility to more patients. These include CD20, CD22, ROR1, BCMA and other antigens expressed on hematopoietic cancers. CAR T-cells targeting these alternate antigens have demonstrated promising early efficacy. Dual-antigen targeting CARs are also under study.

In addition, CAR T engineering continues to evolve. Approaches aim to improve T cell engraftment and persistence through modified cell manufacturing steps, while reducing toxicity. These include using defined T cell subsets, adding cytokines or costimulatory domains to enhance CAR signaling, and suicide gene controls.

Cutting-Edge Advances on the Leukemia Horizon

The future landscape for leukemia treatment and research looks brighter than ever thanks to remarkable ongoing advances on multiple fronts. In the sphere of immunotherapy, CAR T-cell therapy is blazing trails and inspiring ideas for custom-engineering patients’ immune cells to better recognize and destroy cancer. Research is now exploring how to expand this technology beyond certain B cell leukemias to benefit more patients across diverse leukemia subtypes. Scientists are also studying combination approaches pairing CAR T-cells with immune checkpoint inhibitors or other targeted drugs to boostdurability of responses. Beyond CAR T-cells, vaccine strategies are being developed aimed at priming the immune system against leukemia-specific proteins.

Targeted drug development continues to deliver novel treatments addressing subtype-specific mutations and cancer dependencies. Emerging kinase inhibitors show promise against previously untargetable mutated enzymes. Antibody-drug conjugates are being engineered to precisely deliver chemotherapy payloads to leukemia cells while sparing normal cells. Epigenetic therapies are rising to prominence, manipulating gene expression programs promoting leukemia growth using inhibitors of enzymes like BET and HDAC.

Techniques to track residual leukemia cells after treatment are rapidly gaining sensitivity, able to detect just one malignant cell lurking among thousands. These advances are being coupled with post-remission therapies seeking to permanently eradicate every last vestige of leukemia and prevent relapse. Even the supportive care landscape now includes pharmacological and psychosocial innovations to improve quality of life and long-term outcomes.

This wide spectrum of cutting-edge approaches brings hope that coming years will see meaningful improvements in prognosis across all leukemia types, moving toward optimization of every patient’s treatment based on the unique molecular profile of their disease.

Key statistics on leukemia incidence, mortality, and survival:

  • In 2022, an estimated 60,530 new cases of leukemia will be diagnosed in the United States and 23,100 deaths are projected to occur from leukemia.

  • Leukemia accounts for approximately 3% of all new cancer cases and 3.2% of cancer deaths in the US annually.

  • The most common leukemia types in adults are acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). In children and teens, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) predominates.

  • From 2008 to 2018, the incidence rate of leukemia in the US demonstrated a small but steady increase averaging around 0.7% per year, influenced by the aging population.

  • The 5-year relative survival rate for all leukemias from 2014 to 2020 was 64.1%. Rates vary significantly by age, subtype, and treatment response.

  • For acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 5-year survival is 28.7% overall, but around 70% for patients under 25 years old.

  • The 5-year survival rate for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is 91.3% for patients under age 65 but 72.1% for those 65 and older.

  • For acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the 5-year survival rate is 71.4% overall. In pediatric ALL, 5-year survival approaches 90% currently.

  • Survival rates have markedly improved in recent decades due to advances in chemotherapy, targeted therapy, stem cell transplant, and supportive care. Research aims to further improve prognosis across all leukemia subtypes.

Future Directions and Challenges

While CAR T therapy has dramatically changed the outlook for certain leukemias/lymphomas, numerous challenges remain. These include expanding benefits beyond current diseases, improving persistence of CAR T-cells to prevent relapse, reducing cost, and developing reliable outpatient delivery models.

Ultimately, managing acute toxicities, preventing antigen escape related relapse, and extending benefits to a wider range of patients will determine the future role of CAR T and other adoptive cell therapies in the cancer treatment paradigm. But ongoing active research provides hope this technology’s full potential to deliver cures is just beginning to be realized.

Supportive Care During Leukemia Treatment

The treatment of leukemia involves intensive chemotherapy, stem cell transplants, immunotherapy, and other modalities that can profoundly impact patients’ wellbeing both in the short and long-term. While eradicating cancer is the ultimate goal, meticulous supportive care is crucial for optimizing quality of life and enabling patients to safely tolerate anti-leukemia therapies.

Preventing life-threatening infections is a top priority throughout leukemia treatment. Chemotherapy severely reduces white blood cell counts, leaving patients highly immunocompromised. Broad-spectrum antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal medications are administered prophylactically to prevent opportunistic infections. Patients should receive all recommended vaccinations against preventable infections like influenza, COVID-19, and pneumococcus prior to starting therapy. Patient education on strict hand hygiene, dietary precautions, and symptom reporting is key. Any fevers or symptoms concerning for infection warrant urgent evaluation. With proper preventative steps, serious infections can often be avoided.

Another mainstay of supportive care involves frequent blood product transfusions to temporarily correct symptomatic cytopenias until bone marrow function recovers. Anemia causing fatigue, shortness of breath or chest pain may require regular red blood cell transfusions. Platelet transfusions are given to prevent severe bleeding associated with chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia. All blood products are leukoreduced and irradiated to decrease risks of transfusion reactions, infections, or graft-versus-host disease.

Administration of growth factors such as granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) accelerates neutrophil recovery following chemotherapy nadirs. This helps shorten durations of neutropenia when patients are most vulnerable to bacteria and fungal infections. Other growth factors and cytokines used as appropriate include erythropoietin for anemia and thrombopoietin analogs to improve thrombocytopenia.

Maintaining good nutrition is also essential but challenging given effects like mouth sores, nausea, diarrhea, and cancer cachexia. Small frequent meals, nutrient supplements, appetite stimulants and anti-nausea regimens help overcome these obstacles. In cases of intestinal mucositis causing protracted inadequate oral intake, intravenous or parenteral nutrition provides crucial caloric support. Early involvement of nutrition consult services optimizes patients’ energy, protein and micronutrient status.

Furthermore, providing psychosocial and emotional health support resources helps patients and families cope with the significant physical and psychological demands of undergoing leukemia treatment. Social work, counseling, navigation assistance and community support groups are invaluable for many.

In summary, meticulous supportive care in all its facets – from vigilant infection control, frequent blood product support and growth factor administration, to state-of-the-art nutritional care and emotional health resources – complements the anti-cancer regimens. Multidisciplinary teams work together to provide comprehensive supportive care crucial for achieving optimal outcomes.

Living with Leukemia - Monitoring After Treatment


Once initial treatment is complete, regular monitoring and testing is crucial for detecting potential relapse and guiding any additional therapy needed. Tests help evaluate for minimal residual disease (MRD).

MRD refers to small numbers of leukemia cells that may remain undetectable after treatment leads to remission. Over time, resistant MRD can potentially lead to relapse. Sensitive testing detects these residual cells:

  • Flow cytometry can identify leftover cells with abnormal immunophenotypes.

  • PCR detects particular genetic abnormalities associated with the patient’s leukemia.

  • Next generation sequencing amplifies signals from residual cancer mutations undetectable by other methods.

The level of MRD correlates to risk of relapse. For example, pediatric ALL patients with higher MRD levels after induction therapy have significantly higher relapse rates subsequently. MRD informs treatment intensity needed.

Ongoing blood counts are monitored for cytopenias suggesting relapse. Bone marrow aspirations periodically examine cellularity and cytogenetics. Imaging tests check for organ involvement.

Any sudden onset of fatigue, bone pain, fever or other concerning symptoms prompts immediate complete reevaluation. Catching relapse early optimizes re-treatment success.

With modern therapies, over 50% of pediatric ALL cases and 40-50% of adult ALL cases can achieve long-term disease-free survival. But vigilance through remission is critical for optimal outcomes.

Side Effects of Leukemia Treatment

While improving cure rates, intensive chemotherapy, radiation, stem cell transplants and other anti-leukemia therapies carry both acute and chronic side effects:


Nearly ubiquitous, fatigue results from anemia following chemotherapy. It can persist for months after treatment ends before fully resolving. Energy conservation becomes vital.

Second Cancers

Radiation and certain chemo agents increase risks for secondary malignancies like myelodysplastic syndrome, and solid tumors of the breast, thyroid, bone or skin. Ongoing cancer screening is advised.

Organ Damage

  • Heart: Anthracyclines like doxorubicin can cause cardiomyopathy months or years later. Monitoring cardiac function is important.

  • Lungs: Alkylating agents, radiation or graft-versus-host disease post-transplant may cause lung complications like fibrosis.

  • Kidneys: Cisplatin, ifosfamide or methotrexate can impair renal function. Lifelong monitoring of kidney health is key.

  • Liver: Certain chemo agents may increase risks for liver dysfunction, fibrosis or cirrhosis over time. Bloodwork assesses hepatic function.


Chemotherapy suppresses immunity, heightening infection risk during treatment. Prophylactic antibiotics, good hygiene and monitoring are critical. Certain infections may pose higher risks long-term as well.


Chemotherapy, radiation and stem cell transplants often impair fertility. Discussing fertility preservation options early is recommended.

The spectrum of short and long-term side effects underscores the importance of surveillance and preventive strategies for survivors. Ongoing research strives to develop therapies with better therapeutic windows to avoid treatment-related complications.

Palliative Care

  • Palliative care provides an extra layer of support for leukemia patients – it focuses on relieving symptoms, optimizing comfort, and addressing emotional needs. Palliative care complements the primary leukemia treatment and may be offered from diagnosis onwards in tandem. Key aspects include:

    • Pain management using medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, opioids and adjuvant agents. Palliation also utilizes physical therapy, nerve blocks, and psychosocial approaches to control pain.

    • Managing other distressing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, depression, anxiety, delirium and insomnia through pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.

    • Advanced care planning discussions regarding goals of care and end-of-life decisions if a patient’s prognosis is poor. Palliative care aligns treatment with patient priorities.

    • Assistance coping with emotional, social, and spiritual impacts of diagnosis through counseling, groups, chaplain services.

    • Support resources like education, navigation assistance, and coordination of care across the multidisciplinary team.

    While often associated just with end-of-life care, palliative services are appropriate at any stage of leukemia to optimize quality of life and relieve suffering due to symptoms or treatment side effects. Integrating palliative approaches earlier improves outcomes for patients and families facing this challenging diagnosis.


Leukemia represents a diverse collection of blood cancers arising from malignant transformation of hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. While some leukemias are very aggressive and rapidly fatal if untreated, recent therapeutic advances have transformed other subtypes into manageable chronic illnesses or even potentially curable diseases.

Yet challenges remain. Diagnosis still relies on identification of abnormal cells in blood and bone marrow samples under the microscope, augmented by immunophenotyping and genetic tests. These approaches have become highly sophisticated but lack the ability to detect minimal residual disease below a certain threshold. Relapses triggered by leftover leukemia cells evading therapy continue to occur.

While chemotherapies remain a backbone of treatment for most leukemias, agents like tyrosine kinase inhibitors that target specific molecular drivers of certain leukemias heralded a new era of precision medicine. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation offers hope for cure in high-risk patients. The emergence of immunotherapy approaches like CAR-T cell therapy provides encouragement that science may soon overcome even the most stubborn, treatment-resistant leukemias.

Ongoing research offers much promise for expanding the proportion of leukemia patients who can anticipate achieving long-term remission or even cure. This requires not only improving upfront treatment regimens but also detecting and managing minimal residual disease to prevent relapse. Further unraveling the intersection of genetics, immune dysregulation, disordered metabolism, and microenvironmental cues in leukemia pathogenesis holds the key to better outcomes.